Tagged. Tagged. And, oh yes. Tagged. By
carondelet11 1. Grab the nearest book;
2. Open the book to page 123;
3. Find the fifth sentence;
4. Post the text of the next 4 sentences on your LJ along with these instructions;
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest;
6. Tag five people.
At length, they came and beset our own House, and quickly it was the dolefullest day that ever mine eyes saw. The House stood upon the edge of a Hill; some of the Indians got behind the Hill, others into the Barn, and others behind any thing that would shelter them; from all which Places they shot against the House, so that the Bullets seemed to fly like Hail; and quickly they wounded one Man among us, then another, and then a third. About two Hours (according to my observation in that amazing time) they had been about the House before they could prevail to fire it, (which they did with flax and Hemp, which they brought out of the Barn, and there being no Defence about the House, only two Flankers, at two opposite Corners, and one of them not finished). They fired it once, and one ventured out and quenched it; but they quickly fired it again, and that took. Now is that dreadful Hour come that I have often heard of, (in the time of the War, as it was the Case for others.)
A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson from The Harper Single Volume American Literature.
Now, if it had asked for page 1800 onwards, you'd have gotten some kick-ass twentieth century American writers. As it is, you get (ewww) Colonial Lit. Don't you wish I had cheated and reached for that cool, intellectual book?
Heh. Tagging
fated_addiction (yes, you are doing this), and