Trixie Belden and the Secret of the Unseen Treasure by
Kathryn Kenny My rating:
4 of 5 stars I began reading The Secret of the Unseen Treasure late last night, and I finished it early this evening. It's the 19th installment in the "Trixie Belden" mystery series, written by Kathryn Kenny.
Trixie and her fellow Bob-Whites of the Glen find themselves embroiled in another mystery when they spot someone trying to set fire to nice Mrs Elliott's shed. They race in on horseback and save the day, but now Trixie can't quit thinking about why someone would want to ruin Mrs Elliott's flower selling business. As the BWGs delve deeper, they uncover a ruse involving stolen Social Security checks, other incidents of sabotage, and a shady marijuana growing business. Trixie can't believe that Mrs Elliott or her stepson, Max, are involved, and she's determined to get to the bottom of things.
This was one of the more fun and perplexing Trixie mysteries. I thoroughly enjoyed it, which is why I managed to knock it back in a short time.
Favorite line: "Why couldn't my sister be interested in something safe and hockey or professional wrestling?"
Very good, a perfect read for young and old alike. Four stars.