Bio 2 Stuff

Feb 13, 2006 23:03

I had to think for about twenty minutes to decide what to do my current event on this week. Yahoo news provided me with three very tempting articles which included: an article about stem cell surgery, another one showing more ways McDonalds can kill you, and one about some school health organization that Bill Clinton is running. All three include things I need to voice my opinion on, but after I thought about it a wile I was able to narrow it down to one. All I really needed to accomplish with the article about Bill Clinton was to say how he is quite possibly the coolest politician known to man, which got that one out of the way, and I pretty much feel like if you aren’t convinced already that McDonalds is toxic waste, then there isn’t much left I can do to save you. With those two eliminated I was left with the article about stem cell.
In my article a woman whose heart began to fail was able to be healed by a company based out of Jerusalem who utilized stem cell. Stem cell research is great, and already investment into this branch of health is paying amazing dividedness. Trying to impede on the progress of stem cell research is quite possibly the worst thing fundamental Christians have done since the council of Nicea. This information is able to save peoples lives... but we all know the fundamentalist retort to that one. “Fetal stem cell research is unethical, because messing with babies is bad”. First of all, killing babies was never a problem in the Christian religion, just think of what God did to the first born children of the Egyptians. This operation was based out of Jerusalem which makes me happy to know that the Jews are still holding true to their deal.
I think that Christians are the heartless ones for preventing babies from being killed. The Bible tells us that when someone dies that is too young to know Christ as their savior, and then they will automatically go to heaven since they never got a chance to make the choice for themselves. God is a nice guy; he gives babies the benefit of the doubt. So, if this is true, then why would Christians complain about it? The kids are getting a free ride and getting to skip this painful trial period where they risk possible failure and therefore a chance of burning for all eternity in hell. Killing babies grantees them an eternity of happiness. I’m not depressed or at all unhappy living, but if all of this is true, who wouldn’t wish that they got to skip this risky evaluation?
When you think about it long enough, if scientist chose the babies correctly they would be doing society a good thing anyway. We are a product of our genetic make up plus our environment, so by choosing babies from the correct circumstances we could possibly be fulfilling more of a benefit to society by using their embryo as a medical cure for nearly infinite illnesses than letting them live. Take some kid from a welfare mom, which will never know who his own father, is, and will live in poverty and neglect and use him to cure active members of society and I say that you have done a good thing. People say “No give him up for adoption! Give him a chance!” Then I remind him, no his mother wants to claim him for government benefits. So take the embryo, heal the sick, and pay the mom for the embryo, and everyone is a winner!
Those who still wish to complain about this will be comforted in knowing that this operation in Jerusalem used no embryo cells. Now If you are not too offended by my ranting Mrs. Thompson, I will ask you very kindly in ink to pass me for the six weeks. You are a great teacher and you deserve every teacher of the month awards that Calvary offers. You are such a good teacher that I can't even think of the word "learn" without thinking of your name. Please please give me lots of points.
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