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Feb 07, 2006 07:29

My bible teacher asked us to write a 750 word essay on what religion we would follow if there were no such thing as Christianity. Heliolatry was the obvious choice, it's such a good idea that I'm even thinking about converting to Heliolatry myself.

If I could chose any religion I would chose heliolatry, or worship of the sun. Sun worship is the world’s oldest religion and is still being practiced in some parts of the world. Though the sun has been worshiped under many names including: Kee-Zos-en, Gnowee, Wala, Wuriupranili, Yhi, Chup, Kamui, Shamash, Michabo, Mihr, Huitzilopochtli, Tonatiuh, Ekhi, Crom Cruach, Étaín, Horus, Amun, Ra, Cautha, Apollo, Helios, Agni, Dhatri, Arinna, Inti, Manco Capac, Akycha, Malina, Amaterasu, Marishi-Ten, Uriel, Wi, Saule, Chemosh, Alfrodull, Sol, Wasterzhi, Maelare, Tawa, Sol, Khursun, Belobog, and Meri it is still principly the most widley worshiped diety in the history of the world. There is a reason that all of these people chose to worship the sun. From a scientific standpoint no life would have ever existed if it were not for the sun.

Every race on earth has been exposed to heliolatry. Practices of heliolatry are very widespread ranging from extreems such as human sacrafice to a compasionate admiration and thankfullness of the suns power. I can find many feasable reasons for heliolatry. The most obvious advantage the sun has over other common dieties is the fact that I can see the sun; it requires little faith to make me believe in the sun and its powers. Surely even Christians must value the sun and its many gifts. The sun is a very kind and generous God. Unlike other gods it never cuts its gifts off from its people. No matter how much you decide to shun the sun god and deny its power it will still bless you with its constant supply of vitamin d suplimintation and will never cut of its light energy to the plants which rest at the base of our food chain. Think of the effect it would have on us if the sun were to suddenly get angry with us and refuse to bless us with its light; we would all be dead in no time. Fortunatly for Earth though, the sun god is very consistant, so much so that it is the standard for human time. The sun has other gifts besided those that are profound and life sustaining. It gives its followers many almost artistic gifts only for the sake of comfort and pleasure. The sun is always there to bless me with a pleasant warmth wile I walk my dog under its glory. It gives me light so I can perform my tasks with ease. It seperates my nights and my days so I can keep on a decent schedule. It gives me beautiful sun sets to enjoy and remember.

If I was to pick a belief I would want my god to be very powerfull. The sun is very very powerfull. The sun just happens to be the most powerfull thing that a human being can see with his own eyes. It is so powerfull that human beings can not even look upon its face for long periods of time without being blinded by its glory. If you ever doubt the sun’s power just think of what one nuclear reaction can do to a Japanise city and realize that the sun is made of billions of these reactions. It is safe to say that the sun wishes us to practice moderation which is illustraited in the phenomenon of tanning. If I tan for a little bit I get a nice bronzed skin tone, but If I do it too much to the point of overindulgence and vanity I will get skin cancer and could die. I dislike vanity so this aspect of sun worship appeals to me. Sun worshiping teaches us to be unselfish which is illustraited in the old saying “The earth doesn’t revolve around you”, no because it revolves around the sun.

Modern anthropology also shows, in books like The Golden Bough that heliotry is the basis of all other religions. I would feel pride in saying that I follow the religion that started it all. I also like heliolotry because it is very simple and uncomplicated. I do not have to take refuge in any dogma or grand schemes to be a sun worshiper all I have to do is reavere the sun for what it is. The great life sustaining power of our solar system. Sun worshipers no longer have to partake in elaborate ritualistic sacrafices anymore because modern science has proven that the sun does not need our help to rise. As a matter of fact sun worship is about the most scientifically acurate of all available religions. It has no conflict whatsoever with any scientific principle and it never will because no matter what anyone says the sun sustains our life.
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