Jun 18, 2009 14:33
I have started having panic/anxiety attacks again. I had a few when I was pregnant with Cheyenne. I think it's a hormone thing with me. I usually don't have them but rarely when I am not pregnant, but I have had like 1 a week now for the last 2 months or more now. They are always at night after I fall asleep. I just wake up from a dead sleep and bolt upright and then freak out. I get up and wonder around the house and the first thing that comes to my mind is who can I call at this hour? Any human being to get my mind off of this. It's usually around midnight to 3:30 or 4am. I had one last night around 2:30am and I had no one to call!! It was too late. Adam was already at work and Cheyenne was at my mom's and I was all alone. It was a bad one. I felt like I couldn't breathe and that NOTHING would make me feel better. I walked around aimlessly and then turned on the tv and my puter. Getting online made me feel a little better, but I started feeling nauseated and layed back down to try and sleep and I woke up again freaking out. Does anyone know what I mean??? I think it's getting worse now because my stomach is getting so big and stretching and it makes me feel like I can't breathe and there is'nt anything I can do. I can't make my belly go down until the baby comes out... so I believe these episodes will get worse as I get bigger. *sigh* Am I crazy or what? Why does this happen??? Now I am just rambling! BLAH! I need some help! lol...