Tutorial IX #10

Jul 15, 2007 14:55

I finally made again a new Tutorial. I hope you like it.


From this                      to this

001. Duplicate your base and set it to screen 100%
002. Go to Layer -> New Layers -> Selective Colors
RED: -100//+100//+100//+94
YELLOW: -100//+100//+100//-33
BLUE: -81//-25//100//-17
WHITE: +100//-91//00//00
NAUTRAL: +25//+17//+17//+4 
003. Open again a new Layer -> New Layers -->Selective Color
RED: -100//+100//+100//+100
YELLOW: -100//-30//+100//+33
NATURAL: +28//+16//-15//+20
BLACK: 00//00//00//+100
004. Go to Layer - New Layers -> Hue/Saturation and set it between +20 & +30. I set it to +25.

005. Add a New Layer -> Color Balance.
MIDTONES: -54//-26//+43
SHADOWS: +01//+24//-34
LIGHTS: +12//+17//+24 
006. Take this
texture and set it to Darken 50% (texture by peachinparis )
007. Next Texture.
and set it to Soft light, 100% (texture by millepetit)
008. Open the next texture
 and set it to Soft light, 30% (texture by ??)
009. The next texture
and set it to Linear Burn, 30% (texture by ??) 
010. Open a Black&White Textur

and set it to soft light, 100% (texture by pildas)
011. Add a second B&W texture

and set it to Color Burn, 100% (texture by ???)
012. Next texture

and set it to Multiply, 50% (texture by offbeatupbeat)
013. Again a b&w texture

set it to Color Dodge,20% (texture by ??)
014. A last texture.

and set this to Multiply, 50% (texture by millepetit)
015. Now I added a few light dots
 and set it to lighten. (dots by xsleepingswanx )



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