Apr 27, 2006 01:29
gross! someone is puking in the alley.
anyway---- uh mmmm yes.
i'm painting tonight. all night? i don't know.... i'm feeling lazy. and also.... i don't think i have enough paint. crazy how it just goes away. next week is the last week of my junior year. I am going to frolic around baltimore for a week and probably starve to death or dumpster dive or something because i'm totally broke. i'm an idiot and blew all my cash on art supplies at the very end of the semester. whatever. I have to take summer 10 credits at UW--- also because i'm an idiot. so in other words, i'll be around.
it feels like i've been in baltimore forever. may 13th i'm coming home... shortly after that i will be paying visit to olympia and the obom.
i have to do an "urban listening" so i've been stalking a rat's nest. and consequently having nightmares.
good gravy.