May 12, 2005 21:38
my mind is racing right now. i don't know if this is a good thing
i just went to see a really good movie, the interpreter. it made me sad because i truly believe in the UN and john bolton is most likely going to be confirmed. i hate this country's government. political polarization and religious ideology are ruining society.
moreover, today was my last day of school. i felt sad, unlike many i know. and i actually got kinda emotional on my way home from school. but, hobart stuff came in the mail and it was perfect timing because i realized how excited i really am for college.
saying good bye to teachers was hard. i love my teachers. they have taught, i have hopefully learned.
i hung up my cap and grad outfit. its just hanging there looking at me. it's amazing how an object can represent something so much more. like a gold cord represents how hard i've worked, and a cap is supposed to represent accomplishment. i don't think it does.
i apparently am receiving an award. i don't know what its for because trus didn't get one.. so it's obviously not debate... hmmmm any ideas?
words are far more powerful than weapons, it's too bad our president can't speak, and we can't listen