Surveys. Because yes, I am indeed THAT bored.

Aug 06, 2005 23:19

Feel free to fill these out. No, really. Feel totally free. Because if I'm bored, you must be bored too, right? And I happen to know that at least one of you is hugely pregnant and it's a proven scientific fact that completing surveys makes your labor come on faster. No, really!

Hey, don’t I know you?

You might remember me as the girl you went to high school with who cried and had nervous breakdowns a lot. Or you might remember me as the girl who hung out at Maestro's and didn't talk much but giggled a lot.

Are you serious? I went to Paw Paw, but I don’t remember you at all.

Oh, good. No, really. High school wasn't exactly my most stellar period. I'd like to think that I improved during/after senior year. At least, I stopped crying, so.....yeah.

Oh yeah! Didn’t you used to date that guy?

Uhm, yeah.

What happened there? Are you still together?

Uhm, no. I believe he might actually disavow any knowledge of having dated me in the first place. Needless to say, it didn't end well.

So, how’s life?

Could be better, could be worse. Living at home, but you know, if I was on my own I'd be flat-ass broke. So I suppose it's for the best.

What do you do?

I'm a pharmacy tech. So I get to deal with the public in their finest moments of sickness and/or being screwed over by their insurance companies.


God, no. I'm not against marriage or (obviously) engagement, but the thought of having kids is still not a pleasant one for me.

Did you end up getting fat or ugly?

I do weigh more than I did in high school, but I believe my weight gain started in earnest right around my junior year. (Stupid birth control). Other than that, I think I'm pretty much the same. The hair color's a little different, but that's about it. So if you thought I was ugly then, chances are, you're still gonna think it now.

Unemployed, homeless, on drugs?

None of the above, unless you count the occasional pill in order to deal with anxiety.

Recently broken someone’s heart or had yours broken?

Nope. For once in my life.

What happened there?

If you ask Jack, he'll tell you it's because I'm a hermit who doesn't leave the house except to go to work or see other select members of my family. And I suppose there is a lot of truth to that.

Well it was cool catching up.

It worked for me :)

1. initials: CKM
2. name someone with the same birthday as you: Jim Hagg, Paul Bauer, Dan Velez....lots of people seem to have May 25 birthdays.
3. where was your first kiss? In Mr. Aubry's room at the old middle school after a dance.
4. for or against same sex marriages? For. I don't see why it should be a problem. If people like my parents, who I'm pretty sure are going to someday snap and kill each other, can get married, why can't gay people?
5. are you homophobic? I don't think so.
6. are you bisexual? No, but I do think Kate Beckinsale is pretty hot.
7. do you believe in God? Eh....I'm iffy on it. It depends on how open-minded I'm feeling at the time, I suppose.
8. how many US states have you been to? I think about twelve, counting Michigan. And counting the ones I've had layovers in during flights.
9. how many of the US states have you lived in? just Michigan.
10. have you ever lived outside the US? Australia until I was four.
11. name something you like physically about yourself: I like my eyes all right.
12. name something non physical you like about yourself: I find it easy to like other people.
13. where do you want to go to college? If I was going to do it over, I'd probably go to Western.
14. What is your dream car? I'm actually okay with the car I've got. But then, I know nothing about cars. So I wouldn't even know what car to dream for.
15. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Las Vegas or Chicago. I love Vegas, and even though I've only been to Chicago once, I really liked being there.
16. have you ever had someone of the opposite sex over at your house while your parents were gone? In middle school and high school, it was a constant.
17. how many concerts have you gone to? I honestly have not been to any real concerts, per se. (Wait, what was that band we saw at Portage Central years ago? Domestic Problems? Does that count?) I've seen local bands play, but nothing more than that.
18. do you download music? yeah, but I try not to go overboard with it because my sister keeps announcing in front of my mother that they're going to sue every single downloader, ever, and it sends her into a panic. "Are you downloading music? I'm not going to pay the fines when you get caught!"
19. how many illegal things have you done? maybe a couple, but nothing extreme. Stuff like speeding or the time Abby drove us to Subway before any of us had a license.
20. where would you want to go on a first date? I guess to a restaurant or something.....unfortunately, most of my relationships have been with guys I was friends with first, so I've never really been through the "first date/dating" scenario.
21. describe your perfect date: I suppose it would depend on the person. I can see myself doing stuff or going places with some people, but not with others. The bottom line for me, basically, is that I don't feel awkward or shy, because I tend to clam up and come across like an antisocial jackass.
22. has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? Personally? No. (Unless we're talking, like, Happy Birthday). Someone wrote a poem for me once, though.
23. ever been kissed under fireworks? know what? I don't even know. I can't remember. I'm guessing if I was, then it wasn't very memorable.
24. do you like president bush? eh. I don't have the hate on him the way everyone else seems to, but it's not like I think he's the greatest leader in the history of the world. I guess I'm of the opinion that we're stuck with him one way or another, so we just need to muddle through. Did I ever mention that I'm not very politically active? Right.
25. have you ever bungee jumped? No....I can't even get on those rides where it's just a straight drop. I seriously doubt I could handle bungee jumping.
26. have you ever white-water rafted? nope
27. have you ever crashed a car? Two.....but one of them, as mentioned above, was not my fault.
28. has anyone more than 10 years older than you hit on you? I work in retail. So, yes. Plus, I get to hand out Viagra to people, which ups the stakes considerably. No pun intended.
29. have you met a real redneck? Have you ever been to Paw Paw? If so, you know the answer to this question already.
30. are you interested in anyone right now? not really. Is that a bad thing?
31. what song are you listening to right now? I'm just listening to the fan.
32. what is your current favorite song? Couldn't Love You More, Edwin McCain. I don't think it's really current.....I want to say it's from at least a year ago....but I only just heard it.
33. what was the last movie you watched? 28 Days. Viggo Mortensen, yum.
34. who was the last person you said you loved? Probably my mom.
35. where was the last place you went besides your house? McDonald's.
36. have you ever seriously vandalized someone else’s property? There was this one time that Maria and I accidentally drove through what appeared to be a garden that appeared to belong to people we didn't know....but we won't talk about that.
37. have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? playfully, yes.
38. have you ever sang in front of a large number of people? With the rest of the high school choir, yes. But by myself, no. I tried out for a solo in choir one time and lost my nerve two seconds beforehand, so all I did was peep and whimper. It was horrible - for me and for everyone else in the room, I'm sure.
39. what’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? their looks. I don't know. Different things jump out at me - I can't really pick one certain thing.
40. what really turns you on? Guys with darker hair. Not that my experiences with blond-headed guys have been bad, but for some reason, I just seem to like dark hair better.
41. what do you usually order from starbucks? I don't. I hate coffee.
42. what is your biggest mistake? Oh, for fuck's sake. I could go on here for days. Right now, it would probably be sitting here doing this instead of catching up on my CE hours, which I need to do desperately if I want to remain a certified pharmacy tech.
43. have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? Yeah - it's called "shaving my legs in the shower".
44. say something totally random about you: I have never played Monopoly. Ever.
45. do you have an i-pod? No, but I have an MP3 player. That's about as close as I get. (And because I apparently know nothing: what's the difference between an i-pod and an MP3 player, anyway?)
46. has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? I've been told the chick from Wonder Years and Courteney Cox. Come to your own conclusions.
47. do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Well, I watch cartoons, but they're of the adult swim persuasion. So I'm not sure that counts. Other than that, there's this one show....with these weird sparkly shapeless things.....and it's just so insane that I kinda stare blankly at it for a few moments whenever I see it.
48. do you have braces? No....they wanted to give me braces, but my teeth ended up lining up properly on their own or some shit.
49. are you comfortable with your height? yeah. I don't have any desire to be taller or shorter.
50. what is the most romantic thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you? I did have someone write me a poem once (though he insisted on getting it back when we broke up, which was depressing). But sometimes it's just the little things, like buying bags of Starbursts and separating out all the orange and lemon ones because those were the only ones you liked.
51. when do you know its love? It's cliche, but I suppose when you get that jumpy, excitable feeling when you know you're gonna see them, even if it's just for two seconds.
52. do you speak any other languages besides English? I can speak a handful of words in Spanish, and an even smaller handful of German. Okay - the German handlful is probably more like 3-5. Heh. But, no, I really don't speak any other languages.
53. have you ever been to a tanning salon? yeah
54. what magazines do you read? the tabloids and trashy celebrity gossip shit. I love those. (But not those Weekly World News one, where it's all about alien babies and the Loch Ness monster and whatever. I have standards, people!)
55. have you ever ridden in a limo? once - my aunt and uncle hired one to take us to the airport when we were in California, back when I was about fourteen
56. has anyone you were really close with passed away? Really close? No. Unless you mean my dog. *sniff*
57. do you watch mtv? No. If I want to see a music video, I just watch it on AOL, because even on TRL, you can't find a complete music video.
58. whats something that really annoys you? When people don't call in their refills ahead of time and yet still expect us to already have them ready for them.
59. whats something you really like? Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich. Mmm. Oh, and my cat. Is that a sad answer?
60. do you like Michael Jackson? Sure! I think child molesters are special people who should be coddled and bent over backwards for. It's not their fault that they think they're Peter Pan, after all!
61. can you dance? I don't really try, honestly. I would probably hurt myself or someone else standing nearby.
62. have you ever surfed? I can barely swim. If I tried surfing, I would surely drown.
63. do you know how to pump gas? yes
64. do you drive? yes
65. whats the latest you have ever stayed up? probably a few days in a row
66. have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die? I nearly drowned in a swimming pool once when I was little, but I was young enough that the whole "I nearly DIED!" thing entered my mind. It was more like crying and screaming and thinking that that was really scary and I'm not gonna do THAT again.
67. were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? nope
68. have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do? Yeah, put an ice cube under my armpit. And people, you may think that sounds like a harmless dare, but you try holding an ice cube in your armpit until it melts. That shit HURTS.
69. do you actually read these when other people fill them out?: Depends on the person.
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