Jul 25, 2005 11:14
alright sooo i had a nightmare last night.
i was being held captive in like, this torture camp located where whitney donut is. they used to put u in a glass cage with huge angry wasps and stuff and see how calm u could be or unleash tarantulas or just put u on a torture rack. so anyway, im in there for a while and im being scared to death. then, dan broder (?!?!?) comes with his car (he doesnt even have one in real life) and says that im leaving. he didnt know anything about the camp, he just said we were leaving. so, we're in the lobby and someone comes on the PA and goes remain calm, do not move, please remain still. and i was like "broder, fuck that, we gotta leave!" and he was like, "nah man, listen to the voice..." the whole building went on lockdown and the doors locked and lights started flashing, cuz i was close to the door. all of a sudden this girl comes in and goes, "since people are trying to escape, they had to start killing people so no one could get out and tell people about the torture camp. only one other survived." and i go apeshit, and started punchin at the glass windows on the door and before long i busted them, but there was blood and glass all over my hand. i squeezed through the shattered window and got out. im about to start running, but sister ann from my church(?!?!) who was running the torture camp got in my way, so i picked up a can of gasoline that was just lying on the ground in the parking lot and through it at her to slow her down. it got all over her. then lightning came down and struck a tree next to her, and a spark hit her, and she lit up like a chrsitmas tree. then she was all on fire and started chasing me. if you've never been chased by someone on fire, let me tell you, its some scary ass shit. this is about halftime in the dream, and i woke up.
i was sweating like a maniac and i was all out of breath and i realized that i had been thrashing around in my bed. i went to the bathroom to relieve myself. then i went back to bed.
so im in the dream now and im a fugitive. i start running and running down whitney ave, kinda towards the cemetary near legion, to throw them off in case they were chasing me. from this point on, my life becomes one huge paranoia syndrome. im scared of everything, that they might be chasing me. so i run up forest street, which is a friggin mountain, but i never slowed down or stopped to walk because they might be behind me. i went home, got some things i needed, and left, because the first place they might look for me is home. i start walking along evergreen, towards the other cemetary, when i see justin about halfway there. he has been in the torture camp too. so i was like, "omg, i heard another survived, but i couldnt believe it was you!" and he was like, "man we are prodigious escapees" and i told him that we'd be prodigious if we managed not to get caught once we escaped. so we couldnt go back to his house, since its so close to the torture camp and there would probably be someone watching his house since they knew he and i had escaped, so we hid out at legion field for a few days, with the food that i had taken from my house. but eventually, we ran out of food, so we went to kelly's kone konnection cuz we figured the torture camp people had stopped looking out for us and that we were gone for good. so we're walkin down whitney with our ice cream and we meet a bunch of girls and tell them that whitney donut is actually a torture camp and they just laughed. i met emily ball's sister. she doesnt have a sister in real life, but this girl looked a lil bit like her and talked exactly like her, but wasnt her, so i asked if she was emily's cousin, and she said she was her sister. so yeah, these girls didnt believe us. oh well. so we walk down to whitney donut to kind of scope it out, and our horror, we see that they've resumed the camp and gotten new prisoners. we decide that something must be done. we opened all the doors and lit the building on fire, so people came runnin out, and we just stabbed all the torture camp facilitators, whom we knew from our previous experience in the camp. the sadistic dude that would like, administer the tortures is actually billy bob thornton. so we stabbed him and some other people and let all the prisoners go and the building burned down and we were victorious. and the dream ended.