Oct 03, 2004 15:24
Have you ever...
[yes] been drunk.
[uh no] smoked oregano...
[yes] kissed someone.
[yes] rode in a taxi.
[no] been dumped.
[no] shoplifted.
[no] been fired.
[hell yea] been in a fist fight.
[nope (knock on wood)] broken a bone
[i crashed into my mom's tail light on my bike once] got hit by a car
[yes] snuck out of your parent's house.
[nope] been arrested.
[mmm hmmm] gone in a mosh pit.
[job? whats that?] stole something from your job
[nope] celebrated new years in times square.
[no sir] gone on a blind date.
[yes] lied to a friend. only for a good reason.
[yeah]had a crush on a teacher.
[no way... never been to new orleans] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
[london] been to europe
[yes] skipped school.
[wtf? uh, no!] thrown up from drinking apple juice.
[a few goldfish. and a grandpa] lost a family member
[who hasnt?] played 'clue'
[yeah] had a sleepover party.
[yes] went ice skating.
[i dont think so] cheated on a bf/gf.
[probably] been cheated on.
[ill be sixteen in april] had a sweet sixteen.
[nope] had ur tonsils out.
[that would be nice]had a car.
[yea... one time, i pulled into my friend's driveway, and he started flipping out] drove.
Do you...
[uh oh joanna! thats not very faithful! he deserves it anyway, he did the same thing] have a bf.
[well, no] have a gf.
[mmm hmmm] have a crush.
[most of the time] feel loved.
[most of the time] feel lonely.
[most of the time] feel happy.
[most of the time] hate yourself
[all the time] think you're attractive.
[no] have a dog.
[yesm] have your own room.
[that reggae rap crap that white people are startin to do now? hell no] listen to Hawaiian Music.
[not really] listen to rap.
[i guess] listen to rock.
[yea] listen to country.
[no, i dont think i have any] have more than 1 best friend.
[i guess] get good grades
[no] play an instrument.
[yes] have slippers.
[all the time] wear boxers
[most of the time] wear black eyeliner.
[its my favorite] like the color blue.
[well, yea, i guess i do... does that make me gay?] like the color pink.
[claim wut?] claim.
[yeah] like to read.
[not at all] like to write.
[no] have long hair.
[yea] have short hair.
[yeah] have a cell phone.
[i wish] have a laptop.
[no] have a pager
Are you...
[i dont think so] ugly.
[i feel pretty... oh so pretty] pretty.
[i am in a stable condition both mentally and physically] ok.
[thats not quite the word] handsome.
[yeah... waitin for mom to make me a ham sammich] bored.
[all the time... thank god for pills... haha jk] happy
[bilingual means you think in two languages. i speak bad english, worse spanish, and effin crappy latin... i can barely even think in english] bilingual.
[what is with all this hawaiian stuff?] Hawaiian.
[no!] Samoan.
[no!] Filipino.
[no!] Korean.
[my thoughts exactly joanna... po-pos fo lyfe] British.
[i prefer causcasian... im darker than a lot of black people, but im causcasian] white.
[no] black.
[no] mexican.
[no] asian.
[yes :(] short.
[i wish] tall.
[that's so 4th grade] grounded.
[sick and twisted] sick.
[mad hawt!] mad
[that doesnt quite do me justice... im lazy to the 10th] lazy.
[well, yeah] single.
[no] taken.
[not really] looking.
[not really] not looking.
[i dont think so] brokenhearted
[eh? no, im not talking talking or talking] talking to someone.
[renee] IMing someone.
[not really... id die for quite a few people and causes] scared to die
[yea... just go back from two baseball games] tired
[not really] sleepy
[nope] annoyed
[yea... i wish this quiz would end so i could eat my ham sammich] hungry.
[see above] thirsty
[no] on the phone
[no] in ur room
[no] drinking something.
[nooo] eating something.
[i wish...] in your pjs.
[not at all :(] ticklish
[no] listening to music.
[uh...isnt it a lil late for that?] watching the Olympics
[no] watching tv
we won my baseball games... go hamden. seven in a row. unstoppable. im 9-25 so far this season.