Aug 02, 2007 09:50
last night i came home really really high and watched the news about the bridge in minnesota and then fell asleep. i woke up at 5 am to a magic bullet infomercial and they were making smoothies, and i wanted a smoothie so badly that i almost got up and made myself one right that minute.
i fucking can't watch TV anymore, i don't have the patience for any of the shows on TV. not even the good ones like the daily show. i've watched top chef and my super sweet 16 and the hills all the way through, and i hate those shows, a lot. besides top chef.
this fucking guy john who is a 31 year old fucking loser barista with me at work is the most obnoxious person in the world. i can hadle his stories of raspberry mate fame and all the fucking fun coffee facts, but what i can't handle is how fake he is to all the customers. he has four lines that i hear at least four times every goddamn day.
"why don't you try our specialty bread of the day, or as the catholics would say, our daily bread!"(this one goes with a praying hand motion.
evertime someone orders a romeo sandwhich and he brings it out to them, he startles people in the store by screaming "romeo, romeo, HERE fore art thou romeo!"
if he has to swipe someone's credit card twice: "if you listen real close you can hear the machine going 'i think i can i think i can'!"
"that's our new honey wheat bread, it's so good, made some french toast with that just last week, it was mmmmm so good." (he has never made french toast with it. he told me.)
he pulled his muscle at work the other day and is still limping. it's so awesome.