i've seen sunny days that i thought would never end

May 09, 2010 13:16

how can i leave this place?

how can i start packing four years of friendships, memories, tears, laughs, nights spent dancing or fighting or writing papers or watching friends? finals are over and it's senior week and it feels so strange, like we're not really supposed to be here ... except we are. my birthday is on wednesday and we graduate on sunday and how is time moving so quickly? it honestly doesn't feel like that long ago when we got here and met each other for the first time and were enchanted by notre dame and football and the golden dome glinting in the sun.

and even though sometimes we've been jaded seniors and sometimes we've been not-so-great friends and sometimes we've hated schoolwork and anything to do with it ... i can never think of a time i've passed the dome--on a sunny day, on a cloudy day, on a snowy day, on a day where it's negative fifteen degrees and i'm wondering why i even left florida--and regretted a second of it.

you never really understand the meaning until you have to leave: and our hearts forever, love thee notre dame.

love thee notre dame, graduation, friends

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