Dec 15, 2005 22:12
UPDATE (to those of you who actually give a shit)
Here is how my days went about a week ago:
I wake up around four or five o’clock in the afternoon. I mull about my room for a hot minute, usually looking at myself in the mirror and wondering how this all happened. I put on some pants, and stomp down the stairs. I get a barrage of accusations and statements of disappointment from my mother. My little sister is an obnoxious bitch. My older sister is cracked out and whines insistently, without break or fail. I eat something, then go upstairs and watch T.V. I recently found out that I get Noggin, so Daria has incorporated itself into my schedule. I refuse to watch Degrassi, I’m not that desperate. Besides, I don’t get any enjoyment from those kinds of shows. Degrassi, or anything on MTV, all of that shit can be funny, but I value my intelligence too much to compromise it with that mental trash. I check the trinity of evil (myspace, facebook, and livejournal), and I chain smoke for a few hours then go back to bed.
I have no idea what to do with myself, and I feel like a walking blob of discontent. I am wasting every moment of my life doing nothing at all. I could be reading, painting, fucking writing or ANYTHING even remotely constructive. But, I don’t. I just laze about, stewing in my own filth and complacency.
My days recently pass as such:
I wake up around eleven or twelve o’clock in the afternoon. I go down stairs, and fiddle about in the kitchen. My mother talks about my sisters. My sisters complain about my mother. I call everyone I know, and try to make a plan for the day. I end up hanging out with someone. Then, I go home and then to bed.
My days aren’t any more productive, but they are considerably more fulfilling. I actually get to interact with people who know and understand me and my sense of humor. I have missed the cumulative history I’ve amassed with all of my friends. It’s so refreshing to go over all of the fuck-up’s we have come across in our time together. The endless lists of people who prove, time and again, to be “losers at life”. People who God just seems to have shat upon at some time or another. They seem to be walking failed abortions, and they make us smile.
My life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but it is a hell of a lot better than that of some of those who we loathe. I, at least, have SOME good things going for me. They are just moving shit-balls. I thank God that I am not from Rocky Mount, and that I have enough common sense to see most all of what is wrong with it and its sensibility.
Writer’s note:
I know the last few paragraphs may have sounded conceited and LARGELY false, but if you knew the people that I have in mind then you would say and think the same things. This town is a cultural black hole and nothing if not profoundly unimpressive.
Peace-out, A-town.