I'm tired. Three suns, six hours of sleep, three works, one bar, and one school. Think I got a B on both of my projects, perhaps an A on one. I officially realize that I'm back in school. Work tonight was rough. I was the only waitress-the other two left at 8:00 and did no sidework. Where can I find a job that I make just as much money? I have a rather large fee bill.
So, I used to be healthy as a horse, never sick, never nothing. I've gotten 3 colds so far this winter, a couple infections, and threw up for the first time (although I don't really attribute that to anything other than excessive stupidity). Basically, my immune system is shot, and it has to be because I've been smoking and drinking excessively this past year. I've cut down on drinking by default since school and work doesn't allow the time, but I'm breaking up with cigarettes right now. Third time is the charm, right?
This is just for my incentive...although I probably won't care again soon.
Brain and Mental Effects:
- Stroke (cerebrovascular accidents)
- Addiction/withdrawal
- Altered Brain chemistry
- Blindness (macular degeneration)
- Cataracts
Nose: Less sense of smell
- Discoloration and stains
- Plaque
- Loose teeth
- Gum disease(gingivitis)
Mouth and Throat:
- Cancers of the lips, mouth, throat and larynx
- Sore throat
- Reduced sense of taste
- Breath smells of smoke
- Poor circulation (cold fingers)
- Peripheral vascular disease
Respiration and Lungs:
- Lung Cancer
- Cough and sputum
- Shortness of breath
- Colds and flu
- Pneumonia
- Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema)
- Complicates Tuberculosis
- Harms, blocks and weakens arteries of the heart
- Heart attack
Chest: Cancer of the esophagus
Liver: Cancer
- Stomach and duodenal ulcers
- Cancer of stomach, pancreas and colon
- Aortic aneurysm
Kidneys and bladder: Cancer
- Osteoporosis
- Spine and hip fractures
Female reproduction:
- Period pains
- Earlier menopause
- Cancer of cervix
- Infertility and delay in conception
Blood: Leukemia
Legs and Feet:
- Increased leg pain and gangrene: peripheral vascular disease
- Beurger's Disease
Immune System: Weakened