Title: Consequences (2/?)
Author: Chewinggum20
Rating: NC-17 for language and violence
Length: 1046
Spoilers: None really but season one just to be safe
Summary: Jacob finally snaps and Quinn learns the hard way…
A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I have had work and then my laptop got a virus but finally got round to writing the 2nd chapter J Enjoy…
Chapter one:
http://chewinggum20.livejournal.com/527.html _________________
Chapter Two:
It all happened too fast. She remembers Jacob shouting at her and she remembers feeling scared. She remembers watching him reach into his pocket and she anticipated the gun before actually seeing it. She remembers feeling as if her heart stopped when he pointed the weapon toward Rachel, and then she remembers that it all happened to fast.
She had time to look at her girlfriend and see the shock wash over her face but she heard the echo of the gun and the jolt of Rachel’s body before she had time to do anything. She remembers screaming, she can’t remember for how long though, or whether she has even stopped. At some point she must have moved because now she has the tiny brunette cradled in her arms, and the blood on her hand tells her this is real, that this is actually happening because up until now she had been waiting to wake up.
She hears another bang and she flinches as Jacobs body crashes to the floor, but she don’t care. She is screaming; that’s all she can do. The halls are empty and she wonders why nobody heard the Goddamn gunshots, where the fuck was everybody. She rocks back and forth, she doesn’t know why because she knows its offering little comfort to either of them.
She looks down to Rachel in her arms, there is blood smeared down the side of her face, and she’s losing colour as seconds tick by. Blood as started to knot her hair and Quinn whimpers because this is not how Rachel should look, Rachel is neat and tidy, she is a perfectionist, she is beautiful. The blonde licks her thumb and taste the metallic tang of blood and begins to wipe the blood off of her girlfriend but she realises that it’s not helping anyone and stops.
“Rachel hold on ok, baby please … HELP!!!” She cries, the brunette in her arms is getting heavier and Quinn can almost feel her slipping away and this panics her further. Her heart beats nearly uncontrollably as she hears hurried footsteps coming down the hall and she very nearly sobs as Ms Sylvester rounds the corner. “Oh thank God, Please Ms … Please she’s been shot you need to help her please” she cried in a hurry.
Ms Sylvester’s face registers an expression Quinn thought the cheerleading coach was incapable of showing, fear. Sue reaches into her pocket and pulls out her mobile and dials 911, she relays information over to the operator and hopes to god they are telling the truth when they say they’ll be there immediately. The coach kneels opposite Quinn and takes off her sports jacket screwing it into a pillow shaped ball and laying it under Rachel’s head, and watches as Quinn gently lays the brunette down. Sue feels her heart being tortured as she is forced to listen to how Rachel is gulping for air and just staring straight up at the ceiling, panic and fear evident in her features, and she prays that the girl isn’t feeling a thing because it looks so painful. Sue looks across to Quinn, who is sat there glaring down at her girlfriend’s chest struggling to rise and fall.
“Ms she can’t breathe ... Oh god listen to her ... Why can’t she breathe … Rach please baby try to breath normal okay … oh god, oh god”
“Quinn listen to me okay I need y…” Suddenly a scream sounds out from behind them and they both jump and stare at Santana who is just looking between the two bleeding bodies on the floor.
Sue realising that the girls screaming is not reassuring anyone and begins yelling at the Latino.
“Santana … SANTANA listen, listen to me ... Go and get schuester ... GO” and Santana listens to the coach and begins to stumble back in the direction she came. Sue looks back at Quinn and she realises the girl has begun to go into shock.
“Quinn you need to talk to her okay, she needs to hear your voice, it will calm her down” and Quinn nods ever so slightly at her and leans towards Rachel’s body and starts talking, she reaches for the tiny girls hand and quickly pulls away and starts crying and screaming again.
“Oh god she’s cold ... Why is she cold?” She throws herself back so that she is leaning against the lockers “she’s gonna die, isn’t she.” she whispers in a choked sob at no-one in particular.
“What happened?” Mr schuester’s voice interrupts, “Is that Rachel?” and suddenly Mr Schue is beside Ms Sylvester, taking Rachel’s hand and squeezing it slightly.
“I don’t know what happened, I’m not getting much sense out of Quinn but my guess is Jacob shot Rachel and then shot himself” the coach explains in a low voice. “All I know is if the Paramedic’s don’t get here fast Rachel’s gonna die”
“Oh God.” The Spanish teacher rubs his hands through his hair before grabbing the injured girls hand once more. “Rachel ... Rachel can you hear me, help is on its way okay, just hang in there ... Rachel … RACHEL”
The brunettes’ eyes slowly close and her head rolls to the side. An eerie silence falls over them as her breathing, which seemed so loud a moment ago, stops.
The primal scream that comes from Quinn is piercing but at that moment, as if every one of their prayers is answered, the entrance to the hall doors swing open and two paramedics run towards them.