Oh yeah! For the gamers...

Dec 01, 2007 11:03

I forgot to mention this... I've been a member of this site SaySwap that's great for trading games.

I don't know if many of you buy or trade used games at stores like GameStop or EBGames, but I used to. It always drove me nuts though, that I got like $7 for a game that they would then sell for $35. It's just ridiculous.

So I was thrilled when I found this site. Their system it a little complicated (because they have 2 forms of "currency") but the benefits are great. Imagine getting a much more even trade for your game. Yeah, sounds good doesn't it. Basically the site is a game-trading site where they make money off of a servicing fee, not "markups". And since it's all automatic, they don't have to cover the costs of employees, management, etc.

Anyways, here's the breakdown of their "currency system". It's a lot like music CD trading systems, but they had to add another type of currency because any one game is not equal in value to another... it's a lot more varied in value than music CDs. So you have one currency, which is how the site makes money, called "Trading Tokens". You purchase these for $5 a piece ($2.50 for your first one), and they are good for recieving one game. Now for the other currency, "Purchase Points". This is how they value the games. Games are valued at either 10, 20, 30, or rarely 40 (some PS3/360 games) based upon their retail value. When you sign up, you get 30 purchase points to start your trading with, after that you get purchase points added to your account when you send someone a game.

So basically, when you first sight up, you can get any game valued at up to 30 purchase points for $2.50. After that, you spend $5 for each game shipped to you. Oh, and the $5 covers the shipping. When you agree to send a game to someone, they provide you a shipping label that covers the shipping costs and you just drop it in your mailbox. it's that easy.

Anyways, if this sounds like something you'd be interested in, drop a comment on this post and I'll send you an invite to join. You can join through the site directly, but if I send you an invite, I can get a free trading token, so you'll be saving me $5.
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