Sep 14, 2005 23:57
ok i guess from the title you can tell what im going to talk about.While for starts me and tina had a long talk about pron. I forgot how we got on the topic but she thinks its worng. She say it wrong bc it like wacthing your neaigbor have sex. I never done that might try it sometime... yeah if i want to go to jail. i said what im a single suppsoed to do and she think about me bc im your girlfreind. I know that we be good together its just im not sure she will date a guyt that masterbates at lest twice day to pron. Or a guy that not really intrused in going to church. I do know believe there is a God and have faith in him i just don't feel right going to place. I like to do it in my own way. The whole having sex with the one your going to spend the rest of our life with bugs me but not why u think.(people that read form here on plase it just my thoughts) Ok i understnd when u get married your only suppsoed to sleep with your husband or wife. I got that what i don't get is why not before. People that have never done it and go to do it are not anygood. That bug me bc if im going to spend the rest of my life with one women i really would like to beable to plase her. Know tina might say if you love that person then that won't really matter. Ok yeah that worked during the 40's 50's and maybe the 60's but know a big part of marrige is can your mate please you sexualy. Im not saying i should fuck anygirl who offers her self to me. But i would at least like to know what to do when the time comes. She alos from what i gather thinks that your urges u can controll. She right to a point. But i know people that sometimes just want sex to relive stress and tenstion. Im willing to work at if she is. Other thing is i asked her out as to me that ment going on dates to see if there was something there. She took as were a couple. Know that nice but how it going to work when i only see her mondays,sometimes tuesday and wedensday. I if have a girl freind i would like to spend more then a couple hours a week at lest a day together. I do care about her a lot but i think im going to try and take things slow. Then there Tiff she having problems and im trying to help like a nice guy and it seems i just be a jackass as normal. Maybe i should not help people and pu the enery toward i don't know learing to sing....Ok not its like in my bllod i have to help people i just don't feel normal unless i know i have helped at leat one person a day. i have big Chem test firday i should be all right. I just check my e-mail and Tina did answer most of the questions but a few like her geeting upset about my veiws on certain things. Know she said she will date a guy the does not have god in his heart but she will not marry a guy that does't have god in his hreat. That hard with all the stuff i have been thought. While i guess i just have to think about it that all. TTul Joshua Kensler