Nov 01, 2005 17:54
Hey life is going so... Me and tina got into this big arugement over everything and it was not pretty. She started picking or should i say getting upset about almost everything. First it was me being passive aggressive.Ok those who know me am i passive aggressive. Second she started a job at ups during the night and asked me when my job was going to start. I told her i had a job and she said what and i said school. BAD answer on my part. Then the whole thing that made her mad was that i was not at her sprital level and she was afraid that if im not going to be there then im NOT worth dating. She then asked me a question and i answer in which i though was corect but she said that was not they way she would have answered it. So it was wrong in her eyes. But i told her that i love her, i would like to be with her but that every body see GOD in there owns and that im not going to reach that level and she have to except that or move on. I said that part in an e-mail after i had talk to Larry and Dr. Corp. That was thurday and every thing seemed fine uptill today. I had this thing to do for my psy 260 class and need to read a story to a toddler. The only ones i know were thai, Erian and Eliazibith Uncle Brain kids. So i picked thai. We went to a libary and i read her cat in the hat. Then babysat her while tina plaied on the computer. While we left the libary bc thai was playing on the computers and they did like that it. So we get back to her palce and thai fell alsleep in the car. So after putting thai down she jumps right on the computer again. I thought we might laydown and take a nap or play a little Zelda together. NOPE i just sat and talked. We talk on the phone. I wanted to be near her and hold her but that not what she wanted.Now that she working i see her very little. I will not see her again untill firady or staurday and im babysitting thai so she can have some time to her self. I just wanted a little time together. Now i have been talking and getting talk to about how fast thigns were going with thina. Dad even told me to slow down and that i was taking thing very fast. I could become friends with tina today and be fine. But i like beiong able to spend time with a female who i want to more than just a freind. When i talk to day with tina about she said tiff. Im sorry tiff and i are never going to be that close. Tisha was upset whn she saw me firday and it was becaue i have changed since dating tina nad she thinks its bc she feels tina using me. To a point she right. Is it wrong to want to hanground with a women even thought i have god in my heart and i know he always with me. What making everything wores is that thia's Obsessive-compulsive or OCD. I seemed to do everything to upset her no matter what i try. Back to talking about tisha it sould like she was jeoules to me anyway. But when i taled it over with matt he said she was't. I told him that she know how i felt but did't like how i was holding her when we went on that only date. Im mean we have gone and hangout since then but i don't know. If she is jeoules i was she say something. When i asked tina out it was on a date. She is the kind of person who thought i was asking out as my girlfreind. I should have explained it to her that i was just looking for a nice girl to hangout with. One thing lead to to other and before long were hear and im not liking were hear is. I thought slowing down would help but right now it only seemed to make things worse. I feel like im competing agasit the dam game that neopets. I mean which should be more inportant if your in a relationship that u made clear it was to be a girlfreind and boyfreind but u spend a lot of time on that dam computer playing a video game. I mean im not going to want to spend every waking moment with her but come on. I get to see her once a week and i we get to do is talk while she at a computet half there and half not. i DON'T KNOW I JUST NEED TO WRITE EVRYTHING OUT. I love tina and that the inportnat thing. Im going to do a lot of praying and have god show me hoow he wants this to work out. Anybody feel like commenting on this that cool. I take all the feedback i can get. While i ttul Joshua Kensler