CHEWYSTORIES One final kiss

Jun 16, 2013 02:02


CHEWYSTORIES, the mainstay of this journal. Here I couple manips with ficlets to tell an ongoing 
narrative. This has always set chewableprose apart as a place where you can find porn

accompanied by prose. The result being a more meaningful and believable slash fantasy, enjoy.

Ficlet | The years passed long and slow and there were many occasions for which Arthur had reason to think of Lancelot, and when he would return. In fact it was this one thought that comforted him through his father's death and the responsibilities that came with the throne and the treacheries of those that surrounded him: that someday soon Lancelot would return and join the Knights of Camelot. It is the one promise he had made Lancelot swear to him, that when things were different they would have no reason to be apart. It was the one condition by which Arthur would let him leave. But he never came and Arthur knew he would never love another as he did Lancelot. Arthur married Guinevere, and he loved her, and they were happy. And while he never told her of Lancelot or of how he ached for him, he did not see that he was being mistruthful with her. For he did love her, and they would be together and produce an heir and he hoped, she would help to heal his heart.

A near five years hence his wedding to Guinevere, Arthur was scouting with Merlin on the borders of his kingdom following his annual birthday celebrations. On the most unexpected of ordinary days he found him, Lancelot, headed away from Camelot. He looked older, more worn, but Arthur had missed him so that still his memory did not do justice to the man before him. Arthur pulled him into his arms and held him, near forgetting they were not alone. For it was complete relief to have found him. 'Sire,' Lancelot said after Merlin had already cleared his throat, twice. 'It is the greatest honour to see you again.' Arthur then remembered Merlin was there, watching them both with much interest. 'And you Lancelot, come, you must do me the honour of returning with us to Camelot, we have much to catch up on.' Lancelot stood silent before responding, 'Of course.'

Arthur arranged a jousting tournament in Lancelot's honour, but between the festivities and preparations for the event and on account of Lancelot staying with Merlin, there was no time when the two were alone and could talk. Determined to talk with Lancelot in private, Arthur left Guinevere sleeping early the morning after the tournament and entered Merlin's chambers, knowing Merlin would be in the kitchens seeing to his breakfast. But the bed was empty, made up and the room tidy -- nothing like Merlin kept it -- and Lancelot was gone. Filled with nervous energy and the pent-up loss of years, Arthur went straight to the royal stables, fetched his horse and rode out after him, not caring that Guinevere would wake soon or that the guards would see him and no doubt report back to the queen on her request. He cared only about finding Lancelot.

Relief flooded through him and his heart at last settled to a suitable pace when he came across Lancelot mid-morning at a lake. The heat was fierce that morning, and Lancelot was bathing. Lancelot met him at the water's edge but didn't say a word. This made Arthur angry. 'You promised,' he blurted out. 'I thought you were dead, I told myself that was the only way you would betray your word. I mourned you every day. You lied to me, you lied to your king.' Lancelot let out a long breath. 'I kept my word,' he said at last. 'I was far away when word came of your father's death, and returned as soon it did.' Arthur looked confused. 'You were with Guinevere,' Lancelot said. 'I would not come between you, so I left. I have returned every year since on your birthday to catch a glimpse of you and your happiness, willingly forfeiting my own.' Arthur tried to convince Lancelot to return with him, to convince him that nothing had changed. But Lancelot, the noblest man he had ever known, simply said, 'I would not put you in that position. Goodbye Arthur.' Arthur grabbed his arm as he went to leave, naked and wet. 'I will prove it to you, that you love me as much as I love you, that no matter the circumstance, the shame, the disgrace on our names, that it would be far worse for us not to be together.' 'Nothing can change my mind.' 'I can. Grant me one kiss, one final kiss and I will.' 'I would not deny you a kiss,' Lancelot said. He lent in to Arthur for the kiss. Arthur put a finger to Lancelot's lips, 'It is not your lips I wish to kiss.'

Notes | This a continuation of my Arthur/Lancelot series. Not sure who made the gifs. This entry is public as per my new open access policy.

Comments are ❤.


The GoldenChewy is an annual prize that reaffirms my commitment to fostering a better comment culture on this journal. It is awarded to the user with the most Best ChewyStories Comment wins in the year.

The user who leaves the best comment on a chewystories post will have the opportunity to request one manip (posted prior to my open access policy) they would like made public. In order to be in the running you must be a chewyresident and have posted your comment on the chewystories entry before I publish a new chewystories post, on which the winner will be announced and invited to choose one manip to make public. If there are no outstanding comments, no winner will be chosen.

On the anniversary of this journal (9 January), the user with the most 'wins' of that year will be invited to request a manip of their very own. Not only will I create a slash manip of your choosing (with any two characters from any fandom you desire), but you will also receive the hi-res file of your manip (and be the only one other than myself who will have it). Hopefully this will encourage more of you to comment more generously. Let the feedback begin.

And the Best ChewyStories Comment for the last chewystories post goes to zdae69 (tally: 5) for this comment, for recognising the emotional impact I was attempting to portray through the work. Keep up the effort everyone, because the final prize is pretty special.

chewystories, rating: nc-17, fandom: merlin, actor: bradley james, actor: santiago cabrera, pairing: arthur/lancelot, public

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