Title: Fire.
Author: ChevyPortia.
Genre: Comedy.
Pairing: JunChun.
Length: One Shot.
Synopsis: In which YooChun's computer dies on him.
"NO, no no no no! This isn't happening!" YooChun moaned as his laptop beeped.
"Computer troubles?" JunSu asked, leaning his head into the living room from the kitchen.
"It just keeps beeping! I called Minnie but he couldn't come over" YooChun said exasperated as the computer kept beeping steadily. He sighed as he turned off the computer and turned it on again with the same results. "Come on baby, come back to life, I refuse to let you die!"
JunSu wiped his hands clean on a towel with a chuckle as he came over. He pushed a few buttons and the computer started up. YooChun stared at him in disbelief.
"How did you do that? Who are you? Where's my husband?" YooChun asked as he got up, backing slightly away from JunSu.
"You don't crash a computer two times a week without learning something, smart ass" JunSu said with a slap to YooChun's ass.
"But you're computer illiterate! You're like...well you just don't fix computer stuff!" YooChun said as he stared at JunSu. "So I'll ask again, nicely and calmly, where the HELL is my husband?"
"I dunno, gimme a description and I'll find him" JunSu said and crossed his arms with a smirk.
"Oh you know, a little shorter than me, nice button nose, beautiful chocolate eyes, a little grumpy, kind of mean, DOESN'T fix computers but instead hits them, doesn't want to know about modern technology, can scare off a rock, great kisser, amazing in bed, has a great ass..." YooChun said. "You like me to continue?"
"Nah, I think that about covers it. Honey, I've learn a lot, just don't tell Minnie, makes him feel important" JunSu said as he put his arms around YooChun.
"You care about how Minnie feels?" YooChun asked with both eyebrows raised.
"Not really, but I just don't want to fix the stuff. I don't like modern technology crap"
"My computer's alive again. That would make you Dr. Frankenstein" YooChun smiled into JunSu's shoulder.
Just then, they both heard the computer beep again, urgently and forcefully. They both looked at it as the fan gave out and black smoke rose.
"I never said I was God, Chunnie" JunSu said. Then YooChun turned back to JunSu.
"My computer's on fire" YooChun said. JunSu looked at the small flames. "I never thought you were God, but I didn't know technology catches on fire when you touch it"
JunSu grabbed the fire extinguisher and sprayed the computer before unplugging it from the wall.
"Upstairs, NOW" JunSu said and sprayed at the floor next to YooChun's feet.
"HEY!" YooChun said and jumped away from it. "Is fire a kink for you or something?"
"No, but smart asses are, which you should count your lucky stars for" JunSu retorted with a grin as he chased YooChun upstairs.