Oct 27, 2004 17:55
so guess what!... do you guys remember forever ago when the little cambodian man came up to me on broadway and offered me $700 for a blow job? yeah! well he got arrested and i got subpoenaed (and yes thats how you spell it. wierd huh?). i have to go to court and testify for the city of seattle. the charge? PATRONIZING A PROSTITUTE!!! yup! the city of seattle is refering to me as a prostitute. isn't that just sweet!
in other news the "career" is going really really well. i like the people i work with and i'm becomeing quick friends with a lot of the patients too. they don't seem to hate me anyway. i get to do lots of cool stuff that no one else thinks is cool so i wont bore you with it.. just know that its cool. my first scheduled day on my own is new years eve night... but the really great part? i get double time and a half for working a holiday. plus since its at night i'll be getting shift differential as well. i figure i can give up a night of drinking myself into an oblivian for fifty bucks an hour. good trade right?
well i'm off to get something done, don't know what yet but i feel the need to be productive. later.