Apr 27, 2006 18:40
What does the upcoming General Election means to you?
To me firstly, it is something that I just missed it by 2 weeks when the PM then decided to put it 2 weeks before my 21st birthday.
Secondly, it is just like voting for either of the 2 unknown people. Okay, fair enough, I know what their names are but never had the chance to see them face to face. To me, voting for either person doesn't seem to make any big impact on my life. The Public Transport council will continue to raise bus fare in future, GST might go up in future and well, the MRT station will still be a 15 mins walk for me under the sun.
So who should I vote for?
*Side Issue*: Today I made an enquiry at PariSilk for an IPOD video 30GB to check out the rates for a friend. The retail price on Apple website is $538, PariSilk has it for $480 w/o GST and $502 w/GST. And NTU selling it for $498 w/GST!!! So many prices to compare =(