rules & info, affiliates, questions, etc.

Mar 31, 2009 19:08

Welcome to chevronlocked!

What is this community for?
→ It's created in the likeness of comms like icon_crack (a generic, all-fandom comm) or starttheclock (like the prior, but specifically for BSG), but for the Stargate fandom. There are weekly-themed and widely-ranging icon challenges, as well as occasional challenges for larger graphics. Most weeks will include any and all Stargate franchises unless a specific challenge states otherwise.

How do I submit my icons?
→ To submit your icons, you create a new post tagged with your username and the challenge number. An example would be as following:

talkofcake, #001

→ Submit your icons with the image and URL, like so:

If you wish to affiliate, have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please submit them here.

!affiliates, !rules & info, !mod post

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