After attending Sterling on Saturday, on our way back to my friend Paul's house, we stopped at my little home town park--B. Foreman Park in Pultneyville, NY. It's pretty nice, down on the shore of Lake Ontario. There's a nice "main house" that can be rented out, a bunch of picnic tables, a few pavillions (one apparently with installed garage doors now), and some playground equipment for kids--slides, swings, etc. None of the really modern stuff though. Growing up, we used to go there whenever family came up from Central PA. In the parking lot as we were getting out of the car and grabbing the camera, we heard a shout from across the parking lot, "Hey Renaissance People!" It was some local woman who had spotted us in our garb. She got to telling us about how she liked our faire and how she always goes to the parade in Fair Haven (3-5 mins from Sterling) and sees us in the parade but hasn't actually gotten to go to the faire yet. I explained how we were just visitors to the faire and that we lived in PA. I then told her that I grew up in town and my father was a teacher. She asked the name and when she learned it, she exclaimed "I had him for fifth grade!" It was pretty funny.
ON our way back home on Sunday, we stopped in Watkins Glen, NY. Race fans have likely heard of this little town, but not known exactly why it's called what it is. There's a gorge that actually ends within sight of main street and they have turned it into a state park. You can hike the gorge. There are several trails, but, in my opinion, the gorge trail is the prettiest. Since we didn't want to hike *up* the gorge (maybe a little more than two miles up stairs) we decided to pay the $3 and ride the shuttle bus to the top and walk down. (Mark's free travel tip of the day-- spring for the three bucks and hike down, it's way easier that way.) We got on the bus and everyone was telling where they're from. Turns out there was another couple on the bus from about 8 blocks from where we live. What are the odds? lol All in all, it was pretty cool.