Jan 27, 2006 06:15
so its really early in the morning and i have felt inspired to write. this happens from time to time. there are a few things on my mind, nothing big just things i think about you know like to pass time.
((i like this line i found it in another entry and i am editting this entry and putting it here...
this is life, sometimes it is fucking hard, but its all we have................))
For starters i feel like i should be doing more. I feel like there is a lot of stuff i am not doing. I mean i am going to class and all and i have a job even if it is 8 hours a week, but there is still something else i feel i should be doing. I guess i kinda just want time to move quicker sometimes to a time when things are just easy living. College would be easy living if it wasnt for the fact that you make some may life choices i these years so its pretty important.
I have been thinking about relationships a lot lately, nothing bad (so dont freak out kelley cause this doesnt have to do with us) but like why people get so involved and then just panic and lose control or forget the reason why they fell in life in the first place. People get so stressed out about the little things and they dont take time out to just stop and think. Me i am a thinker. I always take time to think. People need to learn to pick their battles and know whats worth fighting for. all relationships start out with some kind of attraction, so in the beginning there most have been some reason why people fell in love with each other. They say the person you love should be like your best friend. Now maybe u get in fights or disagreements with your best friend sometime but true friends work it out. My friends i would never fight with them, if i was goin to fight with someone then they were never really my friend in the first place. if u fight with someone all the time are they really your friend? why do people fight anyway. If you think about every single fight you have ever gotten into i can guarantee it was over something stupid, something that could have been prevented, and if not prevented then there was a better way to solve it rather then cause disruptment among friends.
OK kelley this part is about u, especially because pretty much your the only person that reads my journal. anywho you are one of my best friends and you should take pride in that because out of all my really good friends i have known you for the least amount of time and i know i could tell you anything and i feel the most comfortable around you. i thought about what happened to know tonight and i know life is tough sometimes, and this particular time it was very tough but i would never EVER do anything to hurt you i care about you so much right and it breaks my hurt just to known your this down. i already know just about everything there is to know about KELLEY, and i was so shocked when you said why would anyone want to get to know you, even though i could imgaine you said it cause of the mood you were i, but still i fell the need to just keep reiturateing (idk how to spell) the fact that your KELLEY. I like everything about you and i want to know even more about you so i can like that to. it excites me to find out about you and it excites me even more to find out more about you when your with me. seriously not a day goes by i dont think about you, even if i dont talk to you for a few days, i am always thinking about u. And its tough for me and i am sure its tough for you, that all we can do is talk on the phone. and i like talkin to you on the phone believe it or not even when i do listen all the time, i like listening to your stories even if they dont make any sense. I guess i really just want to be there for you to show you how much i really do care. all i can do right now is be me, and that means i am going to make fun of you (jokingly) ((at least thats what you should hope)) (((cause you smell))) even though i cant always talk on the phone or i dont always want to or it doesnt fit into my schedule i am going to make time, and making time means these crazy hours in the morning. i dont sleep much if you couldnt tell by this message seeing how its 6:47 now ad i really dont mind staying up late to talk to you these late hours is probably the best time to talk cause everything pretty much dies down here.
Pretty much what i am trying to say is yes you are one of my best friends, i like knowing you, i want to continuing knowing more about you, if i even thought we would fight or disagree or even not get along just hanging out i would not have gotten involved. The oringinal reason i messaged you and sent you that first message was because you sounded exactly like me, i wanted to get to know you and i never fully expected things to work out this good. when things go bad in your life just remember i NEVER get mad, i have never once yelled at ANY of my friends EVER ( i dont even know what yelling at a friend is, i dont know how to do it) and i love you dawg..........and im goin keep on loving you, i just want to keep on lovin you.....slkjdfkjsdf *cough cough* sry um where was i..............o yes so remember everything i said, and i wouldnt say it if i didnt 100% mean it. if i take anything serious in my life its a relationship, all i really want to do right now is just show u how much i love you in person because i think thats what you need the most right now....................but sense i cant do that i will give you a hint on the surprise i have been talking about........................its crappy one year, and dramaticly better other years. its the second coming. it will keep u... FULL of WARMTH and RELAXATION....
<3 u dawg
JOKE: whats the definition of a vagina? the BOX a penis cums in!!! MANY good things come in packages...