Вирішив зібрати новинні посилання в одному місці - може комусь цікаво
Первый и последний президент СССР Михаил Горбачев в интервью Интерфаксу назвал призывы некоторых депутатов Госдумы судить его за развал страны полной глупостью и стремлением к личному пиару.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/russian/rolling_news/2014/04/140410_rn_gorbachyov_duma.shtml 75 лет назад, 10 апреля 1939 года, был арестован бывший нарком внутренних дел СССР Николай Ежов, которого поэт Джамбул называл "сталинским батыром", а его жертвы - "кровавым карликом".
http://www.bbc.co.uk/russian/russia/2014/04/140409_yezhov_fall.shtml President Vladimir Putin is threatening to halt Ukrainian imports as he tries to cool his neighbor’s plans to integrate trade with Europe after the ouster of its Russian-backed leader in February. Ukraine’s east, whose metals and machinery plants rely on demand over the border, has been rocked by pro-Russian separatists who’ve seized official buildings and taken hostages.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-09/ukraine-s-rust-belt-fears-ruin-as-putin-threatens-imports.html Vladimir Putin is more likely to sign a 30-year deal to supply pipeline gas to China next month after more than a decade of false starts because the crisis in Ukraine is forcing Russia to look for markets outside Europe.
The gas-supply deal allowing the construction of the Power of Siberia pipeline across eastern Russia into China has foundered on price. To finance the $22 billion pipeline, Russia sought to match the rates it got for its gas in Europe, a level China hasn’t been willing to pay.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-09/putin-seen-signing-china-gas-deal-as-crisis-forces-russia-s-hand.html When Swiss prosecutors knocked on the door of DTEK Trading SA’s Geneva headquarters in February, they were on the trail of Rinat Akhmetov, Ukraine’s richest man. The billionaire, who controls the coal broker, was 2,000 miles away in Donetsk, Ukraine, brokering peace after protests had pushed Viktor Yanukovych, the country’s president -- and a longtime ally -- into exile.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-10/ukraine-s-richest-man-fights-to-save-faltering-fortune.html President Vladimir Putin told his government to develop plans to replace imports from Ukraine and said Russia can’t subsidize its neighbor permanently, increasing economic pressure as the government in Kiev battles separatists.
Russia “continues to provide economic support and subsidize Ukraine’s economy with hundreds of millions and billions of dollars,” Putin told a cabinet meeting outside Moscow yesterday. “This situation, of course, can’t go on forever.”
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-09/putin-threatens-ukrainian-imports-as-economic-pressure-mounts.html US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart have agreed on the need to resolve the security situation in eastern Ukraine peacefully, officials say.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-26965632 The West needs to make it plain that it will not tolerate any further occupation of European soil by the Kremlin
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/10755071/Ukraine-no-more-Mr-Putin.html Ukraine's embattled acting president promised on Thursday not to prosecute pro-Russian militants occupying government buildings if they lay down their arms and end the four-day siege.
The olive branch offer came as the clock ticked down to a Friday morning deadline for the separatists to walk out of the state security building in the eastern city of Lugansk and the seat of government in nearby Donetsk or face the possible use of force.
The armed assailants want the heavily Russified east of the culturally splintered ex-Soviet nation to hold referendums on joining Russia, similar to the one that led to Moscow's annexation of Crimea last month.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/10757086/Kiev-offers-amnesty-to-pro-Russian-separatists-if-they-surrender-government-buildings.html Видима і невидима війна з Росією, "газова" нарада в Кремлі, донецький "Майдан" та проблеми кримчан - теми українських ЗМІ у четвер.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ukrainian/press_review/2014/04/140410_press_review_ko.shtml Держсекретар США Джон Керрі та його російський колега Сергій Лавров погодилися, що кризу на сході України потрібно розв'язати мирним способом, заявляють офіційні особи.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ukrainian/politics/2014/04/140410_usa_russia_east_ko.shtml Західні ЗМІ пишуть про підготовку російської інтервенції в Україну, нову "газову війну" між Києвом і Москвою та про те, чому федеративний устрій України вигідний Кремлю.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ukrainian/press_review/2014/04/140410_press_foreign_ko.shtml Юристи Комуністичної партії України готують документи для позову з приводу підпалу їхнього офісу у Києві в ніч проти четверга, заявив ВВС Україна другий секретар КПУ Ігор Алексєєв.
У Компартії не висувають припущень з приводу того, хто міг підпалити офіс їхнього Центрального комітету.
З лютого цього року до вечора четверга приміщення офісу КПУ займали Люстраційний комітет "Ніколи знову" та "Канцелярська сотня" - структури прибічників Майдану.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ukrainian/politics/2014/04/140410_kpu_office_sx.shtml Заяви МЗС Росії про те, що до операцій правоохоронних органів України у південних областях країни нібито "підключені близько 150 американських фахівців з приватної військової організації Greystone", привели до того, що ЗМІ обірвали телефон в штаб-квартирі компанії в Чесапіку, штат Вірджинія.
Небагато журналістів, яким вдавалося додзвонитися до представниці Greystone Коріни Тейлор, чули одну і ту саму відповідь. "У нас в Україні ніхто не працює, і ми не плануємо відправляти когось у цей регіон", - заявила пані Тейлор газеті Wall Street Journal
У минулому, однак, компанія в "цей регіон" людей відправляла, правда, не в Україну, а до Росії. Останній прес-реліз, розміщений у блозі Greystone, датується вереснем 2012 року і має назву "Новий бізнес в Росії". У ньому сказано, що компанія надала послуги з охорони топ-менеджерів у Росії
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ukrainian/politics/2014/04/140410_ukraine_us_greystone_yg.shtml Щороку в Україні говорять про необхідність зниження залежності від поставок російського газу. Однак високий рівень його споживання постійно заважає цьому.
У 2013 році Україна використала близько 50 млрд кубометрів газу, причому більше половини цього обсягу - російський експорт
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ukrainian/business/2014/04/140410_gas_donetsk_ak.shtml Тексти статей із Таймс даю повністю бо сайт у них платний
Leave or we throw you out, Kiev tells pro-Russia activists
Ben Hoyle Moscow
Armed pro-Russian separatists inside government buildings in eastern Ukraine have until tomorrow morning to negotiate an exit, or face expulsion by force, the Government in Kiev said yesterday.
The ultimatum came as President Putin tightened the pressure on Ukraine’s almost bankrupt economy, saying that the nation might soon have to pay in advance for its gas.
Russia said yesterday that it was close to sealing a huge gas export deal with China which would reduce Moscow’s reliance on European customers. The web of energy links between Russia and Europe has so far acted as a restraint on both sides in the biggest standoff between Moscow and the West since the Cold War.
The Ukrainian government’s most urgent problem is controlling the small but well-organised protests in the east, which Russia has represented as an outburst against oppression from Kiev, and which Kiev has denounced as a Kremlin provocation.
The SBU, the Ukrainian security services, claimed yesterday to have arrested an armed woman Russian spy who participated in pro-Russian protests in southeastern Ukraine. She was named as Maria Koleda, in her early 20s.
In Luhansk and Donetsk, two large industrial cities close to the Russian border, protesters have fortified their positions behind barbed wire and piles of tyres - prompting Arsen Avakov, the Ukrainian interior minister, to say that one way or another, the stand-offs would be resolved “within the next 48 hours”.
He added: “For those who want dialogue, we propose talks and a political solution. For the minority who want conflict, they will get a forceful answer from the Ukrainian authorities.”
Any violent end to the occupations of the two buildings could cause a wider confrontation. John Kerry, the US secretary of state, said on Tuesday that “Russian special forces and agents” were the catalyst for the unrest, and that the operation could be “a contrived pretext for military intervention, just as we saw in Crimea”.
The protesters have proclaimed independent states, called for referendums on breaking away from Ukraine and asked President Putin to send troops to protect them. Last month the Russian parliament approved the use of military force in Ukraine if Russian-speakers’ lives were in danger.
Russian media have reported that the Luhansk protesters have an arsenal including Kalashnikov rifles and anti-tank shells, and those in Donetsk are also armed. Tatyana Pogukai, a police spokeswoman in Luhansk, said yesterday that the defenders, “won’t put down their weapons until there is an agreement on a referendum”.
However, there were signs yesterday of an increase in the pace of negotiations between Kiev and the protesters. The SBU said that 56 hostages were escorted peacefully out of the occupied building in Luhansk overnight. Protesters said there had been no hostages, but that some activists who were “not ready to stay and fight” had left.
An MP from the Party of Regions, the former governing party under President Yanukovych, proposed an amnesty for the protesters modelled on one that was reached in Kiev two months ago. “The situation is so tense and complex that one stray word might cause a flare-up,” Oleksandr Yefremov said.
http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/world/europe/article4059127.ece Voice of America ‘spam’ taken off air by Kremlin
Ben Hoyle Moscow
Russia has blocked the US-funded Voice of America radio station, describing it as “spam on our airwaves”.
Dmitry Kiselyov, the head of the new Rossiya Segodnya state media conglomerate, said that a contract to broadcast Voice of America (VOA) on AM radio would not be renewed.
“It’s as if they broadcast from the underworld, or a world that no longer exists,” he said of VOA and the US-funded Radio Liberty, which broadcasts in Russia through a partner station. “I view these stations as spam on our airwaves.”
Mr Kisyelov is the only Russian journalist blacklisted by the US over his role in promoting the annexation of Crimea. He recently reminded viewers of his popular, invective-strewn weekly news show, broadcast on state television, that Russia is “the only country in the world that could realistically turn the USA into radioactive ash”.
The ban was confirmed on the same day that a prominent human rights group acting on behalf of victims of racism and xenophobia was closed. The Anti-Discrimination Centre Memorial chose to shut its Russian operations after a St Petersburg court denied its appeal against an order to register as a “foreign agent” under legislation introduced last year which targeted any NGOs involved in “political activity”.
Tanya Lokshina, the Russia programme director for Human Rights Watch, said that the judgment was a “huge disappointment” and illustrated “the way the “foreign agents” law is used to stifle independent rights groups”.
President Putin told his security services on Monday that foreign powers had helped to destroy the elected government in Ukraine through funding NGOs, and urged them not to allow the same thing to happen in Russia.
Sergei Nikitkin, director of Amnesty International’s Moscow office, said that the Kremlin was “deliberately depriving Russian society of checks and balances to the government’s actions”. He added: “it has become increasingly clear that the Russian authorities are hell bent on crushing civil society at all costs.”