Falklands governor Sir Rex Hunt dies

Nov 12, 2012 16:19


He sent his wife and son away to a safer house and told the domestic staff to leave with just their most valuable possessions.

In a later interview he said: "Nanny, our housekeeper, got her priorities right.

"Off she went with a picture of the Queen under one arm and a bottle of gin under the other."

Outnumbered after a fierce gun battle, Sir Rex took the painful decision to surrender. Wearing his plumed governor's hat, he went to the town hall in Stanley to meet the Argentine general commanding the invasion, Admiral Carlos Busser.

He refused to shake hands with him, saying: "You have landed unlawfully on British territory and I order you to remove yourself and your troops forthwith."

Sir Rex also refused to shake hands with the new Argentine governor, General Garcia.

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