Bloomberg reports that, according to its sources, the entire London staff of JPMorgan’s Chief Investment Office is at risk of dismissal after that huge trading loss was announced last week. The unit employs a few dozen people.
The firm is examining whether anyone in the unit sought to hide or understate the losses, although there's said to be no evidence that this is the case at present.
In the meantime, The Wall Street Journal reports that the loss, which various reports are now putting at between $2bn - $2.3bn, increased by $150m on Friday (the positions remain open). JPMorgan estimates that it could eventually hit $4bn, although this could be substantially lower if the trades move in its favour.
До речі, ось також цікава інфа по найбільшим вльотам
Here's a league table of 30 of the biggest trading losses of all time (excluding CDO losses post 2007).
Let us know if we have left anyone out!
1. Amaranth Advisors (Brian Hunter) - $6.5bn (Gas futures) 2006
2. Bank Negara Malaysia - $6.2bn (mostly currencies) 1992-93
3. Societe Generale (Jerome Kerviel) - $5.9bn (European index futures) 2008
4. Long Term Capital Management - $4.6bn (Interest rate and equity derivatives) 1998
5. Credit Suisse - $2.65bn (mispriced debt securities) 2008
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