Title: The Course of True Love
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Fandom: Conviction/Law and Order SVU
Rating: G
Disclaimer: All characters are the property of Dick Wolf and NBC (except for the few I created).
Author's Notes: This story is meant to fill in the gaps for what wasn't shown on Conviction but very well could have happened; however, it begins before
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[And you've written Christina and Cheryl perfectly!]
Haha, I love Cheryl. She had me laughing every single time she was on the screen. The actress who plays her has been on Criminal Intent, the mothership, and a few other shows, but the best character she did was definitely Cheryl.
And I love Christina, too. She's so adorable! Whenever I watch Criminal Intent and see her on there, I'm like "NO! SHE'S NOT A COP! SHE'S AN ADA!"
Cheryl is great. She just rolls her eyes and doesn't take crap from anyone.
Actually, the only character on Conviction that I don't like (well, other than Robert) is Jessica.
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