(no subject)

May 23, 2008 21:16

Hey guys..

I'm bored, it's raining though =]! Yay.

So..my weekend was..less than eventful. Ehm..just chilled with Julz all weekend.
Friday..oh god.
We went oer to Ali's at one point, met her boyfriend John, he's pretty cool, kinda cute too.
We were walking back home from Marathon at like..10 or something, and there was a bunch of preppy upperclassmen, at Sacred Heart, and we were walking through there and Billy saw me so we talked to him for like 5 minutes.
Then started walking back to Juliya's, so then, some bitch drives by and yells something stupid out the window. then like they stop up the road and all I hear is "wait! go back, go back!" and I knew this dumb bitch was Ashlee. God. So she fuckin' jumps out of this car and run towards me and hugs me, she was going to her mom's to get Christopher, (Nicholas' twin) and then they were going to a hotel party. I was half tempted to go. But..no, I don't trust doing anything with Ashlee.
So yeah, went back to Juliya's..fuck around, went to bed.

Next day, we go to Blockbuster and we were looking at the new stuff they had, and I saw Ginger Snaps 2 and almost had a panic attack, so we got that and Elephant, i don't know, I liked GS2, but not as much as the first one, Ginger is barely in the second one, only in Brigette's dreams.
But Elephant was really good...Aha. Really good. Well, I didn't like the fact that it was based around the day of a school shooting..but some parts, are VERY good. Kehe. You'll just have to rent it and find out.

So we watched those..Eric watched half of GS2 with us, he was like..ahh! it's a ginger snap! it was really annoying.
So saturday night... eh boring. we just sat around...and..watched tv. Eric came home at like 2 or something, so i went and hung out with him, since i couldn't fuckin' sleep. I need sleeping pills, BAD. So we hung out till like..3 or something, I didn't look at the clock, I just wanted to sleep.

Sunday, we went to Ali's, chilled with her for a while, then John came over, then we left and went to burger king, Mmm! So then...we came back and watched the rest of Narc, I liked that movie, it was a little confusing 'cause we didn't pay attention the whole time. Eric came home, and he's like "guess what happened to me today?" and we're like "what" he's like "i got attacked by a ginger snap!"
I was laughing. But I'll laugh at anything.

Oh my jesus, today was long. First thing in the morning, my hair gets wet, after i fucking haul my ass out of bed to straighten it, I was pissed. So yeah...ehm...
came home, Charles dropped Lisa off, she forgot her key, silly girl, so we chilled for like..25 minutes, then she got Colleen to come and get her and take her to Sheri's work. So..stayed home, did my project, well most of it anyways..uh..right.

We have NO motrin in this house..I swear to God, there all these empty bottles in my room..and NO MOTRIN. That probably doesn't sound healthy. Empty aspirin bottles all over my room, right. Everyone must think I'm addicted, which I probably would be if it was addictive, is it? I hope not.

Anyways, I found my kick ass playboy bunny belly button ring I got down in florida, I lost it in the car the first night i fuckin' bought it, and I finally found it! I'm so happy. I love it =].

I need a shower.
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