(no subject)

May 19, 2008 22:10

1.Have you ever taken goggles into the shower with you? ROFL, no.
2.Have you ever stared at the blobs in a lava lamp for more than an hour? Almost.
3. Do you feel bad for a spider when someone steps on it? Nope. Hate them.
4. Have you ever wondered why M&M's are the color they are? No..
5. Did you memorize how to spell supercalafragilisticexpealedocious? No, and I don't care.
6. Do you know the names of all the American presidents? Hah.
7. Do you still wonder if Elvis is alive? No.
8. Have you ever tried to jump off the roof of your house? No, just the barn.
9. Do you own a Chia-pet? No.
10. Do you consider any/all blondes to be dumb? When I was blonde I wasn't that dumb. :]
11. Do you have 0 TV's in your house? NO TVS? How do you think I watch the O.C.!?
12. Do you have more than 10 pets living in your house? No, stupid cats!
13. Is your favorite movie of all time rated G? Heh, no.
15. Do you buy more than 5 cd's a week? No. I just download more than 5 songs a week.
16. Is your favorite color tangerine? Uhm. no.
17. Is your favorite food turtle soup? Wtf? No, it's not.
18. Do you spend more time in your house than you do with your friends? No! I spend more time at Juliya’s house then here! Kehe.
19. Have you ever watched an entire episode of the teletubbies? Oh my god yeah! I fucking love them!
20. Did you ever have an imaginary friend when you were little? ROFL, no.
21. Do you ever talk to yourself? Sometimes.
22. Do you sing in the shower? Hell yeah.
23. Do you have more than 5 body piercings? One..two...three. I have three. Soon to be six=].
24. Do you have hidden video cameras in your house? If they’re hidden then I can’t see them, can I?
25. Did you ever think that the government was spying on you? Well, I am a tad paranoid...
26. Do you cover yourself in tin-foil, and put coat hangers on the ceiling? No..?
27. Do you make things out of dollar bills when you are bored at the lunch table? No. I do that with the blue passes when I go to Martha’s.
28. Have you ever won a contest in which you had to guess "How many jellybeans are in the jar"? No.
29. Have you ever trash picked? I think, once.
30. Can you fling stuff out of your nose? No...
31. Do you know the meaning of life? Yes, someone told me. To die.
32. Have you ever picked on someone smaller than you, just because you thought it would be funny? Uh, yeah why else do you think Lexie was born?
33. Do you count down the amount of days left in the school year? NO.
34. Did you ever see things that aren't really there? Uhm. Yes, remember the stick bunny Lexie!
35. Do you see dead people? When I look in the mirror I see a dying little girl.
36. Is this a yes or no question? Both! Bitch.
37. Have you ever worn clothes that belonged to someone else? Yeahh, all the time.
38. Do you enjoy tight clothing? Oh, oh yes.
39. Have you ever gone a whole week without brushing your teeth? Eh! No.
40. Do you sleep with the lights on? I used to. But now I have to have NO LIGHTS! Or I can’t fucking sleep!
41. Do you consider money to be a form of evil? Please, it’s the root of all evil.
42. Have you ever played bloody knuckles? No. I just like to watch everyone else play it.
43. Have you ever had the urge to have a pickle and peanut butter sandwich? Uhck! Pickles are disgusting.
44. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? No..
45. Do you believe fairy tales do come true? Do I fucking look like I'm in that damned hot tub with Aaron?!
46. Do you or have you ever enjoyed using yo-yo's? Well. If I could bash someone on the head with one then yes.
47. Do you believe in superstition? Yes. No. Maybe.
48. Do you like DIET soda?BOARCH! =]
49. Do you watch cartoon shows every day? No, because Fooly fuckin’ Cooly isn’t on everyday!
50. Do you read books for fun? Yuh!

ehrf. fun night with Juliya and Lala

me'do you want kids', oh yeah!
juliyano, we don't trust Juley with kids
meI left the room to get my crack pipe and..
lalathey were belly up i couldn't do anything!

God i love it.
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