Fragments Review

Mar 23, 2008 12:18



Ownership certainly got a better response than i thought it would. I think the readers on the comm genuinely enjoyed it. Whoo hoo!

Still basking in that glory I waited all day (and half the night) to watch fragments. And boy am I glad i did!

I LOVED it. It was really good. I always love a good bit of back story and this dídn't disappoint. And best of all it didn't include much Gwen! YAY!

Tosh and Owen's flashbacks were touching. Owen's especially I found really heart breaking. It shows a whole other side to Owen that you never would have guessed at in Season 1. I love what they're doing with him this Season. He's really starting to flesh out as a chaacter and is no where near as much of a git which I suppose is bad for Gwen cause it means there is no one else to take the spot light off her and her ability to shit everyone up the wall.

One scene of hers in particular really got me frowning. (oh yes - i whipped out a big old frown. Watch out people) When Gwen runs off to help Jack find Ianto Rhys grabs her hand and tries to tell her he is frightened for her. He tells her it could have been her lying there hurt instead of Tosh and she just abruptly brushes him off telling him she doesn't have time for this. I know she is only trying to get Rhys to focus on the task at hand because she doesn't have time to sit around comforting him or having a mini freak out but it just seemed so - cold. Even for her. She wasn't very nice about it at all.

The fllashbacks with Ianto and Jack made me laugh and squee like a mad woman. They were great.  A nice little break from all the doom and gloom of the other 2. The scene where Jack rolls him and Ianto out of the way of a plummeting Manfway (i know i spelt that wrong but i can't be bothered to go look it up - so sue me.) was great. It went from hilarious (Ianto and Jack's laughs - bwhahahaha) to tingling in 0.3 seconds and the whole thing with Ianto crying as he walks away really pulled at your heart strings. His betrayal with Lisa seems so much more poignant now. And I love the way the cut straight back to Jack helping Ianto up from the rubble. It just cemented (pardon the pun) their relationship somehow. It was fantastic.

Best moments definately had to be:

* Jack's flashbacks with the 2 lesbians - hilarious. "Torso of steel. Shilling a feel. Any takers?" hahahahahahahahaha

* Ianto's flashbacks with Jack - those tight jeans and that chemistry - it was enough to make you spontaneously combust! And the way Ianto calls after Jack - "Nice suit" Omg. That delievery had me frothing at the mouth and thinking very naughty thoughts. *melts*

* Also the part that had me giggling the most was Jack lying amongst the rubble after just coming back to life and looking up to see Rhys standing there with Gwen. The way he lies there and points accusingly at Rhys"yelling "Why is he here?"for some reason had me absolutely cracking up. I think it was the way it was delivered and the whole situation that had me peeing myself laughing

On the whole it was an absolutely fantastic episode. Really well done. The only problem is I think i will be in queensland when the final episode airs so i will have to wait even longer to see it! Nyoooo! ='(

episode review, torchwood s2x12 fragments

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