Fic Update, Dexter and THAT scene.

Mar 22, 2008 03:23

My insomnia is back again which means good news for all those who wanted the next part of the Torchwood Jekyll/Hyde story (i really have to think of a better name )

Most of the chapters are either started, almost finished or are in the process of at least being started. It's 11 chapters in all which isn't bad. A little more than i thought it might be but hey what are you going to do?

It's taken me what feels like ages to finally get access to the internet again. My computer had a bit of a melt down and so i was deprived for a while but now I have been able to send the next chapter of to my beta so hopefully she'll read em and pass em back without too many glaring mistakes so i can post the next part.

Well i knew that when i eventually did get a chance to visit the comm that i would prolly be treated to a nice bevy of fics and vids but whoa! The comm has exploded with icons and squeeing over what is now known as THAT scene.

And what a scene it was! Oh my!

I think i may be in danger of permenantly burning it onto my hard drive i have watched it so many times. 

And i admit it. I attempted to write some smut fic. I don't normally attempt it for fear of being laughed at but i was so inspired it just wouldn't leave me alone. I'll see if i can get it beta'd before i post it but if it i'll just post it as is and see how it fares. *shrug*

I now have a new obsession. Dexter. I know i'm a little late jumping on the band wagon but hey, i'm an Aussie. We're notorious for being a bit slower on the uptake but we get there in the end! Besides, by coming in later i am treated to more immmediate access and don't have to wait patiently for someone to upload them like i am currently doing for Torchwood S2.

I don't know why i had never really paid attention to it before but now I am starting to regret I did cause it's really good in a morbidly creepy kinda way and now i have a new obsession *headdesk*
Between Torchwood, Stargate: Atlantis and Dexter I will never leave my lounge again! It's got the guy from six feet under in it. I never thought he was hot in that but in this ....he's smokin! I think the show plays to all my inner dark fantasies. I love the idea of a serial killer killing for good instead of just for pleasure.

Speaking of serial killers i found a copy of that H/W Wilson is a serial killer fic i was working on one of my USB drives. I actually still like it so i will probably just post it on here as is just so i can at least get it off my computer.

I have kinda gone off House. I used to be a bit a habitual H/W shipper/reader but this season in particular is setting my teeth on edge so i have pretty much gone off it. Dare i say it but the H/W magic is gone. I also think it's because Janto is cannon and stargate: atlantis is new so I have more to keep me interested than recycled story lines and ridiculous plots. This whole business with CutThroat Bitch and Wilson and the new ducklings just isn't cutting it for me.

oh god. It's 3:30 in the morning and i am still wide awake and writing a blog on the internet. I truely am pathetic. I need to find more overseas friends to talk to when i am awake at times like these.  

my fic - jekyll/hyde, r/l, janto, slash, h/w serial killer fic

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