Jan 11, 2008 10:14
What is this crap about NSW nurses having to take a compulsory English test?
What total and utter BULLS**T!
What the doctors? I don't know how many bloody morons i have worked with that not only don't speak proper English but wouldn't know their anal cavity from their mouths! (although given the amount of shit they spew out on a daily basis i can see how they might get the 2 confused!)
This is a load of crap! Yes I agree that those of ethnic origin who have only recently arrived in this country should be given an English test but it's just the way it sounds like it is only the nurses who need it!
When was the last time you heard anything about the Doctors being given compulsory tests to test their English? Or their knowledge even? It seems they will give any Joe Bloggs a medical degree as long as he can join the dots!
The amount of times i have been down at the doctors for something minor only to be prescribed something completely irrelevent because Dr Dickhead from Craplakistan can't understand simple English is amazing.
I once walked in, a huge contusion (bruise) on my head from a fall that had happened (literally) 5 minutes ago and with a suspected concussion.
Doctor Dickhead: So, what is being problem?
Me: (looking at him incredulously) My foot hurts (said in the most unsubtle sarcastic tone i can muster at that point)
Doctor: Which foot?
Me: (narrowly avoids eyes bulging out of head in utter disbelief) Actually it's my head. I just blacked out before and hit my head.
Doctor Dickhead: Ah yes i see a bruise. Needs ice.
Me: (surreptitiously looking for any remnants of an IQ puddling on the floor) I think i may have a concussion. My vision is blurry, I feel quite nauseous and I was out for almost a minute.
Doctor Dickhead: *prods my bruise like he is testing a ripe avocado then shines a light in my eyes* You might be right. Maybe small one. *says something i don't quite catch*
Me: Pardon?
Doctor Dickhead: I asking if you if you thinking you are Doctor?
Me: (trying to bite back retort of "i was going to ask you the same thing") I am studying to be a nurse.
Doctor Dickhead: As yes. Nurses very good. Very needed in this country.
Yes. To stop blithering idiots like you from killing patients.
Obviously this guy couldn't speak English properly let alone diagnose a rash! Where's his English test? hell, where's his IQ test? The fight goes both ways but because Doctors are seen to be more intelligent (excuse me while i take a moment to scoff indignantly) they get away with more when their should be more pressure put on them.
English tests my imaginary left testicle! This is a quote from the article which started this whole rant:
NSW Opposition spokeswoman Jillian Skinner has called for a review to ensure all nurses have the required level of English.
"I am calling on the government to guarantee every nurse registered to practice in Australia speaks English at a sufficient level," she said.
"They should never have become nurses in the first place if they couldn't speak English properly and cannot read medical charts."
Half the time we can't read medical charts because they aren't written in F***ING ENGLISH IN THE FIRST PLACE! And where is this rule for Doctors huh? It's not to hard to learn how to say "I am the blithering twit who will be screwing up your diagnosis today" in plain English. The rest of what they say is in a unique dialect of utter crap anyway.