Ok, i was thinking last night how much im sick of a wicked government. And i thought about how the punish the wicked people and even some that arent but they claim they are. And in all honesty in a big picture its all an illusion. They punish the mild of the wicked to decieve the people from thinking they are wicked. But in all actuallity, the
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1Pe 2:13-15 Be subject to every institution of man because of the Master, whether to the sovereign as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of doers of evil, and a praise for those who do good. Because such is the desire of Elohim, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish men,
Joh 19:11 יהושע answered, “You would possess no authority against Me if it were not given you from above..."
Yes the government is corrupt, and is in the power of the wicked one. But speaking out against the government won't change anything. YHWH has allowed them to stay in the position they are, so that through them, we can be tested by satan (maybe) as YHWH allowed Job to be tested by satan also; and of course the Messiah, in the scripture above.
“...give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to Elohim what is Elohim’s.”
You said to pray for those who are caught up in the institutions of man. I agree, but we must also remember:
"And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without one proclaiming?" - Romans 10:14
We've lovingly had the truth of the perfect kingdom revealed to us, so lets not keep it to ourselves, and proclaim the news to everyone, just as our Messiah did :)
Thanks for the post by the way. Nice read.
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