(no subject)

Sep 20, 2005 19:02

LJ Interests meme results

  1. beer:
    Yum yum! I'm a beer drinkin' lady! I enjoy Sleeman's Honey Brown, Fat Tire, Moose Drool, Scape Goat (those three courtesy of Montana), Kilkenny, Ephemere (Montreal), Blanche de Chambly, that apricot shit (Montreal). I'd love to go to a beer tastin event sometime, expand my horizons.
  2. cello:
    The fat sound of a cello is both sexy and comforting...sort of like a creamy cup of coffee or a soak in a hot tub.
  3. devendra banhart:
    Interesting fella. I really like the sound of him, however I once listened to his lyrics and was nearly disturbed. It may have only been that one song though...something about having a baby with hooves.
  4. hayden:
    Yum yum Hayden. Yesterday Geoff's friend Jeff Burgess said he didn't understand what was appealing about him, that he was boring and too mellow. I love his chord progressions and his beautiful vocals. I don't care if he was an asshole at Amigo's, I'm still in love with him.
  5. leonard cohen:
    In my car right now. Another sexy one.
  6. physiology and medicine:
    This is reflective of my geeky side. I love to learn about phsyiology and medicine, and still think I may be heading in that direction someday..we will see.
  7. ron sexsmith:
    Woohoo! I'm looking forward to the Sexsmith and Kerr album coming out soon.
  8. self-education:
    Yeaha...geek...that is me. I make flashcards for fun. And sometimes I brign them to work if it's slow and quiz my fellow employees and myself (although now "work" is dancing with davida...no time for that...whooo! i'm gonna have a tighter ass by the weekend!).
  9. stars:
    I don't nkow if I meant the band or the sky. But I prefer the sky.
  10. veda hille:
    She used to be my favorite female artist, but I've been dissapointed in the last couple of shows she has done.

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