2nd Story | Going Local

Apr 24, 2011 13:30

[Action | between 1761 Beaver Street and the liquor store]

[Not being one to even consider trying to drive one of those self-propelling vehicles, many people may find Varric on his way down to the Liquor store. He's actually quite enjoying his job at the bar, and wants to do his best to practice his drink making prowess. He may be trying to find a way out of this place...but he's still got a reputation to uphold while he's here.]

[Seeing as he was very aptly employed as one who mixes and serves drinks....well...Varric was going to take great pride in it. Getting people drunk was something he's always been good at doing, whether for a reason or just for fun...so damnit he was going to make sure he REMAINED the best.]

[If Varric passes you by, he'll surely say "Hello" and offer a tip of his stylish hat! He'll also pass you that winning, scoundrel's smile of his. Or, you might even catch him on the way back, his arms absolutely full with bags FULL if liquor. It almost looks like he's opening his OWN bar.]

[Action | 1761 Beaver Street]

[If Hawke happens to be home, she'll notice that Varric has brought quite the heavy armload into the kitchen. After a little while Varric will be coming out of said kitchen with new concoctions for her to try...as it seems the former Dwarf has gotten RATHER caught up with the way people drink in this time period.]

Hawke, do me a favor and tell me how this tastes.

[Action | Olney's Tavern/The Hanged Man]

[Perhaps you have grown tired of the humdrum life of the average Mayfielder? Mayfieldian? Either way, this feels like a good night to have a few drinks, share a few stories, and possibly scheme and plot a few things in a dark corner of a smokey bar.]

[Well, if that's the case, come on down to the Hanged Ma- er...Olney's Tavern! You'll surely find the kindly story teller by the name of Varric behind the bar, using his new drink knowledge to get the house as messed up as possible. Upon interaction, Varric will either see if he can get a few questions answered....or possibly regale you with tales of Marian Hawke and her exploits! It will even be twice as fun if she's there to hear it. Varric may be thrust into 1950s America...but he will surely show people how the lower classes drank in Kirkwall.]

[Phone | Open call to all]

If anyone's looking for a good old fashioned time tonight, I suggest stopping by the bar. It's always a good time with a Dwarf serving drinks.

booze studies, determined to get you drunk, at least he can see over the bar, telling hawke stories again, return of the great storyteller

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