yay meme!

Jun 01, 2011 20:32

This is my favorite meme in the history of everything.

001. Leave me a comment saying, "no sympathy for the devil." (I changed the words. Sue me.) Or you can just say "interview me", I'm good with whatever!
002. I will respond by asking you ANY five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal [possibly].
003. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
004. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
005. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

From mutedpoint:

1. What would Ariadne do if she woke up one day and was told everything about dreamshare was something her mind made up while she was in a coma?

Honestly, she would probably accept it, at least at first. It would be the most practical course of action, though she'd probably start poking around and investigating in secret to try and find out what ~really~ was going on, because she wouldn't actually believe that, not right away.

2. What is the worst thing she ever got caught doing?

She's good at not getting caught! I think probably the worst thing she ever got caught doing was staying out past curfew a couple of times. She's done worse things than that, but she's good at getting away with stuff!

3. Her ideal night out would be? Whether it is a friendly outing or a date night is up to you.

Since it's a night "out" and not a night "in", I'd say, a nice dinner (nice, but relaxed and casual. Maybe at a place with live jazz or something). Some time at a piano bar or poetry reading. She's kind of a hipster like that. Oh, and it's pretty much the same answer whether we're talking about a platonic "night out" with friends or a romantic date. She isn't shy, but she's kind of an introvert - she can only focus on one or two people at a time so she's not the sort to go out with a big group of people to a noisy club or overcrowded bar.

4. With all the animals escaping lately... how would she redesign the Bronx zoo?

LOL I had to look it up and I'm still not really sure what it looks like (I've never been there myself), but uhhh... she'd find some way to make it look NOT LIKE A ZOO AT ALL. It'd look a lot more like a park than a zoo with animal enclosures.

5. If there was one thing she could change about herself, what would it be?

Her first thought here is "my legs" - I think she wishes she was a little taller/her legs a little longer/more elegant.

what: meme

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