Happy Thanksgiving 2013

Nov 28, 2013 23:05

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my friends who celebrated the holiday today. I'm grateful to have all of you as friends and getting to know you through your journal entries and comments.You have greatly enriched my life.

Today my family and I went to Thanksgiving mass in the morning. My parents' neighbors (close family friends) invited us over for lunch that lasted through dinner with copious amounts of food and seemingly non-stop feasting. There were traditional dishes like roasted turkey, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie, but it was supplemented with other foods like rock crab cooked in coconut milk, spring rolls, pasta, lasagna, fish, and a whole bunch of other things. I took small portions of everything and later concentrated what I enjoyed most (turkey, lasagna, and crab). It was a potluck and we brought fish and my mango/tomato/cilantro salad. Good thing I brought it because there were hardly any other veg/fruit dishes and people attacked it. I brought it because it nicely complements my parents' crispy fried fish dish.

Eating was a super messy affair between the crab and the cranberry sauce and gravy and etc., but it was yummy and nobody cared about the mess. People came and went all afternoon. At one point, I had just set down the saucy crab claws I had been wrestling with when some guy grabs my hand to shake it and introduce himself. O_O I was mortified that he ended up with with a handful of slippery sauce. We both laughed it off though, so it was all good.

And what's a holiday without a little bit of drama. I think we all would have preferred family drama, but unfortunately it was medical drama. I was watching the teenage cousins play basketball in the backyard when one of the guys slipped and had bad fall. He had a gaping wound that bled profusely. It looked pretty bad, but he absolutely refused to go to the hospital. That particular cousin is 21, so no one could force him to go. My mom is a medical professional. She told him about the dangers of head wounds and how he should get x-rays just to be safe and he would definitely need stitches. I think he was more amenable to listening to my mom because she is not a relative and wasn't freaking out on him (his mother was crying and crying). His father ended up taking him to the ER; he was later released after receiving stitches. Thankfully the x-rays showed no bone fragments or hairline fractures.

family, celebrations 13, thanksgiving, nablopomo 13, rl 13

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