*blinks blearily* I thought vacations were suppose to be relaxing. I spent almost the entire day out on a catamaran on a Reggae Vibes cruise which included afternoon swimming and diving from
Rick's Cafe, underwater cavern exploration, and a stop at Magaritaville. My body feels like it is still on the boat, but I enjoyed it all. They tried to get me to dive off the cliff at Rick's, but that looked kind of scary. Rick's is a huge attraction here in Negril, but only seasoned dive from the platform on the tall tree perched by the cliff. I'm glad we were able to watch from the comfort of the catamaran (or, in my case, from my swimming vantage point in the ocean). The place was packed with observers.
*sigh* Now I have to go to bed so I can wake up by 7am tomorrow. We're going on a river safari cruise in a river full of crocodiles and swimming at YS Falls. G'night.
greeninkpen messaged me asking if there was something wrong with journal settings because she couldn't comment. I tend to disable comments when I'm on the road because Internet service tends to be sketchty and it is hard to catch up with replies. I do my catching up when I get home.