• Last Thursday I went to see My Sister's Keeper with friends and I finally saw the New Moon trailer on the big screen for the first time. This was definitely my least favorite book in the Twilight series because I loathed the protagonist's actions and the way she was written, but the trailer still managed to look appealing.
• Speaking of My Sister's Keeper, the movie and book differences were startling. I think I would have like the film a lot better if I hadn't read the book. I was expecting to see scenes that were completely changed.
• On July 1, I caught a segment from Who Wants to be a Millionaire while channel surfing. One of the big money questions (either the sixteen thousand dollar or the twenty-five thousand dollar question) was about Harry Potter and it went something like this: Nearly Headless Nick and Moaning Myrtle are what?
A. Goblins
B. Vampires
C. Ghosts
D. House Elves
I absolutely cringed when the contestant got it wrong by making D her final answer. Any fan of the series would know that the answer is C. She even had lifelines left, so she could have asked for help.
• I saw in the July 9 news that Smith & Hawken are closing. I really liked a lot of their gardening products. I get their catalogs and I would clip images for gardening inspiration. I am not an avid gardener, but I like to have well kept yards.
• I wrote this down in my paper journal, but forgot to put it in my most recent Tahoe
post. We were at the mall having a snack when I was so startled I almost dropped my food. This man (early twenties) sitting on the other side of the low partition kept randomly screaming out loud. His friends/family didn't seem to think too much of it, but everyone else around him was like WTH?!