I got back from Tahoe last night after a much-needed holiday weekend getaway. I tried to update then, but LJ was not functioning properly. Managed to post a few comments before the site refused to start loading new pages. O_o I will be catching up with all of
you soon.
• It was a great trip filled with fun and relaxation. After unpacking Friday, we spent a few hours out on the water in a boat. It was crowded with other boaters, but I always enjoy being out there. There is something joyous that awakens in me when I feel the breeze in my hair while on the water.
• I scheduled a massage appointment at the spa on Saturday-90 minutes of pure bliss. Spent some time at the pool, sauna, and whirlpool as well.
• After the spa, we got take out and brought it to a nice spot by the water for a picnic. Rented inner tubes and bobbed and floated away the afternoon gabbing and splashing.
• The fireworks display was pretty amazing. We watched the show from our balcony-the best seats in the house as far as I'm concerned; we had an awesome view of everything without having to deal with the crowds. As for favorites, I still love the white ones that trail sparks before individually exploding. It reminds me of a bouquet of giant daisies.
• On Sunday, we hiked in the morning and got breakfast at the local farmers market: mixed berries, cheese, and bread washed down with freshly squeezed juice.
• Sunday afternoon was spent shopping. I picked up a few books at Borders as well as something I've been eyeing since April in Las Vegas. Finally succumbed and got it. *sigh*
• Monday's drive home was long, but uneventful. It's taxing to navigate the twists and turns of the roads in the Sierras, but the view is always amazing no matter what the season.