Virginia has lost tooth number 10.

Jun 03, 2012 21:36

Virginia lost a tooth unexpectedly today.  She had a loose tooth, her upper left cuspid but it wasn't very loose yet and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.  However, she came to me after church and said her tooth hurt.  I thought she was talking about the cuspid and said it would be fine.  She came back a few minutes later in tears saying that it hurt even worse now.  I suspect that she played with it.  I had to wash my hands (I was in the middle of doing the dishes) but then had her open her mouth.  I could see the adult tooth pushing out through the gum above her upper left first molar.  The molar itself was hanging loose on the outside of her mouth.  I had to pull it out myself.  She held her hands together and let me pull.  It took some tugging but it came out.  She said the pain went away almost immediately.  I am not sure why it came out first but she has a dental appointment on Tuesday so I will ask then.  In the mean time, she is eagerly awaiting the tooth fairy's arrival.

teeth, virginia

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