May 12, 2006 00:27
yes, it's true freends, sometimes, the road she is a cruel cruel meestress, and yet sometimes, like today, she turns around and hands you a geift like an appel pie or a cow or something. Sometimes my freinds, that pie or cow turns up in the form of an new aquantances...
I was today being fixing a puncture on my boke, when I sees, what appears to be a black bullet, or a bolt of lightening, or a big fast flying bull, hurteling towards me, fast, like something that moves quicker than something slow. The grace and speed with which he was moving was, well..... moving I think would be an appropriated word. As he is pulling parallelel to me, I realize that this person is ryding on something like a bike, but not a bike, which I can handle, hey man I'm not a nazi, unless you is been riding a car man, THEN I'm a nazi. Anyway, this halarming black bullet was riding a "board of skating", which looks to be exciting except for the fact that he has like bandages and things from where he is been fallen off. I waved my hand at him as if to say "hello strange one, or stranger, or friend of the road", and he took by this to be meening that I wanting to talk to him. "you homie, what up dog?" he asked me, and this made me fearful, as I am liking animals less every day I spend on the road. Coos, yes and dogs too I find frightening, the thought of an up dog, whatever it could be...... so I asks him, "what up dog?" and he says that "it's all good."
Now I'm being confused and looking to the sky for the up dog that is all good because it seems unlikely to be being something that I find all good. I finish story later, must gett off bike and pee pee.