A new year ahead

Jan 01, 2016 14:33

Well, so I haven't been here for almost three (?) years, I've just been using Livejournal as means to look into various communities. Shame on me! But blogging has never been my strong side.

Anyway, let's not look into the past, but to the present.

I'm now a happy wife and mother of two sons, I have a very satisfying job and I still like Arashi. I have more interests now (that used to worry me in the past: not so many interests), such as healthy food, cooking, medicine, psychology, geriatrics, taxes and economics.... I teach now about dementia and I'm quite good at it (modestly speaking :)). I do a lot of stuff. Hardly time to look into English like I used to. I don't teach it anymore either. So yes. Many changes. But what would you expect after three years?

I'm more confident now and calmer, I think? When my older son was born, I was afraid of many things and I panicked a lot. Now I'm less stressed and try to take life easy as it goes.

Does Arashi help, I wonder. I still like Sho, in my opinion he's got the most mature. He is an inspiration to me daily. The others. I don't know. ;) So much is happening in my life and I have so much to do that I don't really have the time to watch or read everything about them. But I still like them, so...

One thing for sure - I've stopped writing and I doubt I will start again. I literally have no inspiration and the act of writing is not very compelling. Reading, on the other hand... I miss it. I miss good fics, a lot of authors have moved on with their lives and don't publish so often or at all. I miss reading in general but I'm extremely picky and it's hard to find a good book. Maybe non-fiction should be enough for me now...

Anyway, I should be coming back here more often. I have some thoughts I'd love to sort out and I need a diary of some sort, sometimes it's hard to keep all inside. Let's see if I can do this :D.


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