
Jul 23, 2006 09:57

any of you ladies have recommendations for a good birth control. i wan to take it to control breakouts and PMS. Lately my face has been terrible every time i get my period. its making me feel sad inside my small heart. im thinking about seasonale. i dunno. ive never taken it because im afraid of the side effects (weight gain, drwsiness, depression ( Read more... )

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gazingatstars July 24 2006, 19:31:00 UTC
i just got the iud (bc its good for 5 years and i'm NOT having another baby for at least another 3 if i can help it.) i also got pregnant on the tricyclin so thats out. all the pill forms of birth control are really the old school way now i think. i had the ring and i loved it. as long as you're comfortable with touching yourself once a month! the shot is a tough one too like kaitlyn said. i know quite a few people on the shot and they gained over 25 lbs and it kinda made them miserable. the iud you don't even notice. i got it about 2 months ago and there has just been spotty-ness for a little while but the nurse said it will be gone by the end of next month and then everything goes back to normal. it completely regulates your system...lightens your periods...low hormones...and you're not required to remember to do anything. which is the part i like the most. and i have 2 kids so i know what you mean about being fertile mertle. and if u decide in two years it only takes up to 6 months to become pregnant (to have the abilty to try) --hope that made sense--. well...thats what i got for you~


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