i had a lot of exitement bottled up. give me a break, honkeys

May 18, 2006 23:16

today i took wendy to madelyns music class with us. She LOVED it. i told her to bring her doll so they could participate. everyone was so kind towards her and she had a great time. then i took her to lunch at charleys with neil and the baby. by the time i was done with her she was so sick of me. especially when i told her she had to cut my lawn to pay for lunch. "no thank you honey". also, madelyn thinks "girlfriend" is a part of wendys name. I called madelyn girlfriend (we use it as a JOKE... lets make it clear) and madelyn said "gir;friend??? HAH! im not wendy! im me!" which was awesome.

Like i said in my last entry, Tyler got me into e-baying. i rummaged through all of my crap and found some stuff thats e-bay worthy. PLUS! i found a watch that Neil got me from the casino a year ago. its really awesome but i never wear it because it looks huge on my boney arms http://www.voilawatches.com/opla.html he bought it for 80 bucks and its selling online for 130ish pounds. thats about 245 american dollars. i kinda want to ebay it, but im not sure if i want to keep it and just look freakishly sexy with my large watch. huh. in the process of rummaging i found a coin pearl bracelet my mom gave me and im so excited. it was my favorite piece of jewelry of all time. i was literally laying awake thinking, "where the hell did i put it? i love it and my mom will be so sad if i lost it!" reunited and it feels sooo gooood. you guys know that song? its an oldie but a goodie.

tonight neil and i won at texas hold-em. so awesome. we were almost out and had about 1000 worth of chips left (not 1000 dollars... just incase you think we're nuts or something.).. anyways, we were almost out and we got an ace on the river and won tons of chips. we kept getting straights on the river. i told them jesus loves me. plus, its way more fun because im good at reading peoples tells so i just basically narrate the game by harassing hte hell out of everyone. like this, " oh, whoa. bobby is betting 2,000 before the flop. he threw down those chips with too much confidence. false confidence perhaps? he's bluffing!!!!!! " which bob ALWAYS does... so now when people bluff by making a ridiculous move i just cal it a bobby. so ill be like, "oh man, Tony is pulling a Bobby. he definitely has shit cards...". then! wayne hates me so he thinks wearing sunglasses will help (sunglasses at night? lame, right?) but i always know anyways because his lips get tighter when he's nervous and he starts pulling bobbys and getting crazy. the truth is, the only reason i have to be such an ass is because my tells are HUGE! i have the worst poker-face int eh history of man.

i finally got my e-mail back from my prof. i made the deans list and am so happy. i wanted to write him back and thank him and tell him he helped me develop so much as a writer... but i felt corny and restrained myself. I have never been able to organize a formal essay in my head, and he made me do so many and was so laid back about it and helpful it was like i tapped into all the words that had previously seemed trapped in my mind. see? i couldnt have sent him that. too embarrassing. which reminds me, i have to sign up for summer semester. hehe... im also signing up for an obedience class with cowboy. i feel he wants to bond with me. actually, i keep reading that aussies need a lot of attention because theyre so smart and they need jobs and chores (liek getting the paper and slipper... they suggested that. not me). im hoping they can help me find a job for him. i can get my own damn slipper and opening the mailbox seems dangerous!

this was really like a follow-up to my last post. but to interject some new material i'll add how excited i am to attend my sisters 30th bday and kait ex-milligans 21st. kait and her husband are such nice and fun people, and we're going bowling than going out somewhere. And i thought i was the only one that liked bowling. kaitlyn ex-milli-current-donny is so smart sometimes. than my sister's husband got us a limo to Boston so we could go to a swanky martini bar called 28 degrees. hopefully we can meet up with our "muffins" jamie and lauren bc we love them. ... whch ties into why we were excited to win poker... because we wanted to have some spending money for boston. this place supposedly has amazing drinks. i keep wanting to ask people on my myspace if they've been... but i feel like one of those jerks that asks questions just to be like "i need to tell you where im going to feel cool" . but i feel like my close-knit LJ homies can handle my excited nature and just know that im rambunctious.

oo! i finish the new london project theme (potential theme? i meet the guy this week) this saturday. i cant wait to start working on my own material... though i must admit hearing my own voice in the recording booth is torture. i dont like it one bit.. but karl keeps telling me to be me and like it and i can be like a bob dylan. you know, pitchy but lovable. well, he said it nicer and in more words. but i let to cut through the fat.

but guys... on a sad not.. im dreading getting a dress. i haven't found one yet and i do NOT want to buy one. i still haven't renovated my bathrooms and kitchen and im not feeling like dropping a few hundred on a dress. why arent i related to people that get married normal places? like.. the radisson... or mcdonalds ball pit. that way i could re-wear the bargain moomoo dress and nobody would care. amen.

hm, chelsea
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