Sep 21, 2003 12:16
Yesterday, and the day before that for that matter, was so much fun! I had a great time. On Friday I ended up going bowling with Jeane, Kelly and Dave since Leanne was coming over at eleven. It was great. I couldn`t stop laughing, especially since Kelly and Jeane messed up Dave`s last Frame by throwing a ball right into the gutter before he could bowl. >< I was crying I was laughing so hard. He was like `What the hell was that!? That`s not FUNNY!!` He kicked our asses anyway. I suck so bad at bowling. e.e Well anyways, after that we walked over to Applebees to get some of that Apple Pie stuff? Ugh, it`s so good. But the wait was too long so we couldn`t. Isntead, we went and sat up on the really steep hill up over the parking lot and talked. Dave kept asking me what I wanted for my birthday, and I said nothing because I really didn`t want anything anyway. So after like, five minutes of that he was finally like `There has to be something I can get you` and me, being the coy thing that I am (e.e) said `Well...` just to joke around, you know? So he asked what that was supposed to mean and I just laughed and there was thing long silence before he was like `Do you want me to kiss you?` and I said yes and he DID! It was nice. ^^ I was so excited. And after we like, stopped kissing I was all `Happy birthday to ME!`
When I got home, I waited for Leanne to come over, but she was a little late. That`s ok though, I forgive her. -.o She slept over and we had such cliche girl moments... such as giggling over boys and doing our nails and such. Then we watched Rob Zombie interviews and music videos and sang along to AFI and Chevelle. It was so funny, me and her were like peeing ourselves laughing at three in the morning while she told me stories about how fat her dog is. I couldn`t breathe!
The next morning everyone came over and I got to open my presents! I got pretty jewelry, an MP3 player and a lollypop bouquet, as well as the Coyboy Bebop best Sessions DVD from Kristin. ^^ I loved all my gifts. After grudgingly taking pictures, the Limo showed up. We all got in and we headed for the city. It was fun, if not slightly crowded, and the driver wouldn`t let us put the divider up between the backseat and the front. He was like, the Nazi limo driver. We weren`t aloud to eat, and everytime he stopped everyone went rolling because he like, jammed on the brakes like a loser. I was like `Hey, these brakes work a little too well here`. Everyone was like, gaping because I was right behind the guy and he could hear me. Big whoop, he was an asshole. When we reached the city, guess who we saw?! MISTER HOUGH! It was the weirdest thing EVER! Me and Emily were like, screaming, `ROLL DOWN THE WINDOW! ROLL IT DOWN, CALL HIM!` And my sister, the tart, rolls the window down and just looks at him as he walks down the sidewalk. So much for CALLING HIM. >< We were upset. I have to tell him we saw him tomorrow, because he looked RIGHT at our limo!
When we finally got to the theatre, we had like ten minutes before it started. Perfect timing, and our seats were amazing. We had the perfect view! And the play? Absolutely fucking awesome. I loved it, though it was hard to stay awake through some parts because the music was so slow and repetitive. >< The costumes were so colorful, and the Phantom had the most haunting voice... I had goosebumps. But there were a few things that bothered me. Catherine, for one, pissed me off. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, WOMAN! She was so annoying! And she totally made the wrong choice. And another thing, they kept confusing me as to whether the Phantom was a man shunned into being a phantom by society or if he was an actual ghost. Blah. But otherwise? Very good!
Then came Jekyl and Hyde`s. It was much smaller than I expected it to be, and the service was really really bad, but the place was awesome, let me tell you. There were things on the wall that talked, and entertainers and such. It was funny, this gargoyle thing was talking to everyone, and since the voice is actually someone with a microphone and not a recording, you can say stuff back. So Leanne grabs one of the entertainers and starts whispering to him and I`m screaming, going `NO! I`ll kill you! Die!" So when the gargoyle came back to life the next time, he`s like `Amanda... it`s your birthday... where are you?` and everyone at my table points and screams `here, here!`. So the gargoyle is like `I`m going to sing to you. Ready? HEre is your birthday song, it isn`t very long.` And then he just stopped and everyone was all quiet waiting for more, and he`s like `That`s it.` We were laughing so hard, especially since he had like, a Cheech and Chong accent. ^__^ It was really fun though, even though it was so dark in there we couldn`t read our menus. There was this one point where one of these animated characters in a cage on the wall came to life and started doing experiments, and one of them was Frankenstein, who came down from the ceiling and stuff. It was cool, but when he was coming to life all the lights came on and I was like, `What the hell!? They use the lights for special effects instead of actual lighting?!`. Everyone in the restaurant heard, I think. e.e But it`s hard to eat and read by a dinky little candle!!!
On the ride home, we sang Wee Sing in Sillyville songs. It was funny trying to teach Leanne Emily and Lisa the Austrian song. Then we sang `Boom boom ain`t it great to be crazy`, and I made all the weird voices and everyone was laughing at me. We watched it when we came home, though, and Emily and I were in hysterics. I never realized how homo-eccentric it was until she pointed it out to me!!! 'Oh my god, she has a bubble-blower that makes everything gay! Oh god, not the dog!` I nearly choked on my soda. We went to bed fairly early though... we were all so tired! Erin and Leanne went home though. Erin because she was sick and Leanne because she had work the next morning. She never told me that! >< Bah.
So, all in all, I had a great birthday. I had such a good time, and it was fun to hang out with my closest friends, since I hardly get to see any of them. ;-;
Emily and Leanne just left a little while ago. We watched some Cowboy Bebop! ^___^ So today I`m not doing anything. Just sorta relaxing... I`m tired. -.- Well, I guess that`s all for now.