
Apr 12, 2007 11:57

Can somebody explain this meme to me?
{img alt="Mojo" src="" height="306" width="291" />
Find my LJ Mojo!
All it asked was who on my flist I have dated, and it returned the following stats:
friendly: 100%
promiscuous: 9%
random: 44%
wise: 100%
cool: 100%
hard to get: 0%

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Comments 8

cheshyre April 12 2007, 16:00:25 UTC
PS: I actually submitted to this meme twice, because initially I forgot one person whom I dated was on my flist.
So adding that one person to the meme
(a) raised promiscuous from 6% to 9%
(b) raised wise from 71% to 100%
I don' get it.


janetmiles April 12 2007, 16:09:36 UTC
I've dated zero of the people on my friendslist. My numbers are:

friendly: 100%
promiscuous: 5%
random: 13%
wise: 5%
cool: 100%
hard to get: 0%

This makes no sense to me.


mactavish April 12 2007, 16:57:23 UTC
First, I defined "dating" very widely (is there One True Definition?) and ended up with five people. If I shoved it almost improbably wide, I could get ten people, but I'd be pushing the definition hard. (I have a large LJ friends list that is hugely comprised of people I know "in real life," and I'm poly.) Then I narrowed my definition of "dating" and got down to three people, which made me a tiny bit harder to get, but changed no other stats.

I have no idea what they're on about.


ailsaek April 12 2007, 17:03:57 UTC
Mine looks a little like yours -

friendly: 100%
promiscuous: 24%
random: 47%
wise: 100%
cool: 100%
hard to get: 0%

Like you, I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. Very strange meme. I think I prefer the ones where you pick one picture and it's supposed to tell everything about you.


ckd April 12 2007, 17:27:20 UTC
Yeah, I got a similar (and similarly incomprehensible) result. Of course, I'm horribly boring since, even stretching things a bit, I only had three boxes checked....


(The comment has been removed)

lj mojo wight1984 July 2 2007, 02:44:07 UTC
You may or may not realise this, but the meme was a prank.

Sake of decency you may want to delete your post now :o)



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